Having a new idea for your business is exciting. Taking a concept and making it into an actual product or service is a lot like having a baby. There’s a ton of excitement during the planning stages and great anticipation for the new addition to the family…both literal and metaphorical.
You wouldn’t consider adding a new member to your family without proper planning. As the due date drew nearer, you’d likely take very specific steps along the way to get ready and make sure everything was in place for the baby’s arrival. It’s the same for your business projects. They need proper planning and action steps along the way to ensure everything is in place for your launch.
Annual plans give you an overview of the year
An annual project plan helps you define what projects you intend to complete in an annual cycle. An annual project plan helps you allocate time and other resources strategically. Knowing what time of year is best to focus on specific projects and mapping out a general plan helps you manage the year as a whole without getting overwhelmed or missing an important opportunity.
Quarterly plans help you stay on track
Quarterly planning helps break down an annual plan and drives tasks in three-month blocks of time. Quarterly reviews can help you determine if you are moving closer to or away from your goals. Making adjustments helps ensure your goals are met. Knowing you will be able to review your annual plan each quarter can help save time and money as you evaluate your progress on a regular basis.
Monthly planning helps with hyper-focus
Once you’ve made a goal for annual projects and determined which quarters they will be tackled, it’s time to hyper focus on the details needed to reach the goal. Monthly planning reduces the project into micro-tasks that need to be accomplished and sets them out for weekly scheduling.
Weekly planning gets the job done
Weekly planning is the laser-focused course of action for the annual plans. The tasks assigned during the week are very specific and designed to get the project done on time and inside your budget. The actions taken during the week are some of the most important and effective of all.
Planning is more than a to do list. It’s a series of plans that start out wide and funnel down over time. Having annual, quarterly, monthly, and weekly plans ensures you stay goal oriented and focused on the most important money-making tasks for your business.