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Wrap Up And Where To Go From Here

Lead Magnet Challenge

We have covered a lot in the last 29 days, let’s take a quick walkthrough of everything you’ve learned the last 29 days.  Here’s a quick rundown:  Welcome And The Money Is In The List  The 3 Jobs Of A Good Lead Magnet Why It’s Smart To Monetize Your Lead Magnet  It All Starts With Your Ideal Customer  Addressing Pain Points To Get Their Attention  Gain Their Trust With Helpful And Actionable Information  Sell Them The Next Step Or An Easier Way To Do Things  3 Ways To Include Offers In Your Lead Magnet  Plan Your Lead Magnet Around An...

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Let’s Talk Follow Up Before We Wrap This Up

Lead Magnet Challenge

The entire point of any lead magnet besides selling your main product or service is to get people on your email list so that you can engage with them, nurture a relationship with them, and encourage them to trust you so that when you promote something to them that good portion of them say yes to your offers.  While the lead magnet is very important, and you should create an awesome one, the follow-up is imperative. Otherwise, there is no real point in building an email list if you’re going to just send one or two emails after they download...

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Why You Need To Track The Sales From Your Lead Magnets

Lead Magnet Challenge

When it comes to testing and tracking it’s important that you test and track the right things. It’s also important to know why you’re testing and tracking it. One main reason to test and track anything is to know for sure that conversions are coming from that thing you did.  For example, is a lead magnet really sending paying buyers to your email list? How can you know? Just because sales happen to increase during a specific time how do you know why those sales increased. Was it due to the lead magnet or is it due to something else?...

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Testing And Tracking To Find The Most Effective Lead Magnets

Lead Magnet Challenge

The best marketers use testing and tracking to find the most effective lead magnets. You’ll want to test title ideas, images, opt-in copy, as well as various types of lead magnets until you discover the secret sauce for your audience that converts the highest for each funnel and traffic source that works practically on automatic.  Test New Titles – Each time you create a new lead magnet it’s important to test out at least two different titles in your promotion. When one converts at the rate you want, get rid of the other and try another title if you want...

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Make Your Lead Magnet Visually Appealing

Lead Magnet Challenge

Even though most lead magnets are technically free you should still spend just as much effort on making it visually appealing as you would any paid product. It should be pleasing to look at, easy to read or hear, and definitely very easy on the eyes while also including your branding so that there is no mistake about who the lead magnet is from when they’re looking at it later.  Grab Their Attention – A good cover along with the title will grab your audience’s attention and help the entire story make sense to them. Any cover should have a...

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