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DIGITAL STARTUP SOCIETY BLOG — 7 Days to Beat Procrastination

Make Progress Every Single Day And You’ll Beat Procrastination For Good

7 Days to Beat Procrastination

It’s hard to believe but we are coming to the end of our seven day challenge to get off your butt and finally beat procrastination. I hope you’ve been following along and more importantly that you’ve been making progress on at least one of the things you’ve been procrastinating on. We end today with the most important piece of advice and the main lesson I want you to take away from all this.    Make progress every single day!    Of course that’s easier said than done. That’s why I’m leaving you today with three simple hacks or strategies to...

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Listen To Your Inner Voice And Change That Dialogue

7 Days to Beat Procrastination

Something we haven’t talked about yet is that little voice in our head that either encourages us to go do something else - thus procrastinating, or the other one… the critical one… the one that tells us how much we suck because we didn’t get the things done we set out to do.    Why is it important to listen to those voices? Because they have an impact on your life both on a conscious and a subconscious level. Let’s start with that negative voice because I think in the long run it’s the most destructive of the two. Back...

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Old Habits Are Hard To Break - Accountability Is Key To Beating Procrastination

7 Days to Beat Procrastination

Beating procrastination can be hard. We do well for a few days, but then old habits set back in, or we get frustrated with our lack of apparent progress. Nothing goes fast enough. If you face a small setback at this point, it may be enough to stop working on what you wanted to accomplish in the first place. Thankfully there’s something you can do to greatly improve your chances of success. Accountability.    Track Your Progress    Start by tracking what you do. You can do this via a simple habit tracker. Use a box for each day of...

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Don’t Let Things Or People Distract You Into Procrastinating

7 Days to Beat Procrastination

  You wake up in the morning motivated and ready to tackle whatever it is you’ve been procrastinating on. Or maybe you’re excited about a new project. You drink your coffee, get dressed, and get ready to get to work. Then something happens.  Maybe you open your email, or worse Facebook and get sucked into spending the next few hours on your computer. Or maybe a good friend calls and asks you to go shopping. Or you get an alert that your favorite TV show dropped on Netflix. It doesn’t matter what it is, the point is that there are...

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7 Hacks To Motivate Yourself To Make Progress

7 Days to Beat Procrastination

Ready to stop procrastinating and make some progress? Try one of these seven simple hacks to motivate yourself into action. Give them each a try over the coming days and weeks and find the ones that make the biggest difference for you. Whenever you find yourself procrastinating, come back to this list and employ one or several of these hacks. Your productivity will soar.    Tip #1: Pick Something Small    One of the big reasons we procrastinate is because something feels overwhelming. There’s too much too do, so we choose to forget about it for a little while. It’s...

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