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Rinse and Repeat

Make Every Minute Count

I’ve shared a lot of different strategies with you in this report that will help you work less and earn more. Spend some time exploring the different areas and improve what you’ve got.  And here’s the true secret… the work is never done. There’s always something you can improve. Testing is never really done and as you grow and learn as an online entrepreneur there will be new strategies to implement and new ideas to try. Keep improving what you’ve got right alongside the new content and products you create. In other words, rinse and repeat.  I hope you have...

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Tweak It To Increase The Bottom Line and Save Time

Make Every Minute Count

Once you start tracking and have some base numbers it’s time to start tweaking to see if you can’t improve things. Why is this important? Let’s say you spend some time driving traffic and get 1000 visitors a week to the sales page for your new product. And let’s say you have a pretty decent 2% conversion rate. That means you make 2 sales for every 100 visitors. And let’s say to keep the math simple that each sale profits you $10.  If you leave everything as is, that’s an extra $200 per week.  If on the other hand you...

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Track It – What’s Working and What’s Profitable

Make Every Minute Count

You can’t make smart business decisions without good data. Unless you start to track, you won’t know where your traffic is coming from or what traffic source ends up being most profitable. Without that knowledge you won’t know where you should be focusing your efforts.  How Do You Start Tracking?  If you don’t have any tracking installed on your website, start with Google Analytics. It’s free, it’s fairly easy to install and use and it gives you a ton of good data.  Now, let’s look at the tracking with your auto responder service. You should be able to find open...

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Create Routines For Yourself

Make Every Minute Count

As you make out your to-do list, you will start to see tasks emerge on a weekly and even daily basis. Use your list and your plan as a guide start creating routines for yourself. Sitting down and writing a blog post or adding 1,000 words to your latest book become easier once they are part of your work routine.  Making out the to-do list each evening is part of your routine. Routines help us because we don’t have to think about or decide what to work on next. It runs on auto-pilot and we keep working away, making progress...

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Break It Down Into Daily To-Do Lists

Make Every Minute Count

Once you know what you should be working on, you should be good to take the next step -figuring out exactly what you need to do to get it done. Break the project down into baby steps. Is there anything you don’t know how to do? Decide if you’re going to outsource it or learn to do it yourself.  Take the steps you know you need to take and break them down if needed. Then add those tasks to your daily and weekly to-do lists. This step is important. Knowing what you need to do is great, but unless you...

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