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Wrap Up and How to Keep the Momentum of Tapping into the Power of One Going Forward

The Power Of One Challenge

Can you believe that 30 days have passed? We’ve learned a lot about the power of one when it comes to customers and also to your business. If you really focus on one thing at a time, it’s going to have a much more positive effect on your business than if you try to multitask and split your focus.   Let’s take a quick walk down memory lane and browse through all the different topics we covered over the past 29 days.    Here’s a quick rundown:    Welcome and Why You Have to Focus on One Person at a...

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Keep Educating Yourself – One Course and One Coach at a Time

The Power Of One Challenge

  You have learned so much in this challenge so far. It probably feels like a lot. But, it’s all about doing one thing at a time. Hopefully, you really are focusing on just one thing at a time. Because, in all honesty, no one can do more than one thing at a time and do it well. They just think they can because it is such a common ability that people ask for - “multitasking.” In fact, it is a myth that you need to let go of so that you can be super successful without all the stress....

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Build Your Funnel One Lead Magnet, One Opt-In Page, and One Email Series at a Time

The Power Of One Challenge

Ah, funnels. Funnels are fun. They may seem overwhelming sometimes because sometimes the concept just seems too involved. You’ve likely entered someone’s funnel that was super intense and had many upsells, down sells, cross-sells, and so forth. But, what if I told you that you can build a very wide or deep funnel just one thing at a time? You don’t have to do it all at once, and the good thing about funnels is you can always add to them.   For example, start with one lead magnet. What do you need for that lead magnet?   A Lead...

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What’s One Thing You Can Improve in Your Business Today?

The Power Of One Challenge

You know what’s truly exciting about having a business? You are in full control of what is in your bank account, and how your business looks and is perceived by the world. That is a lot of responsibility, but it’s also a tremendous amount of freedom. It also means that you do not have to do everything in one day. You can take things one day at a time, one moment at a time, and focus on that one thing you can do to improve your business today. Just one thing on any given day (or even just one day...

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The Power of One Message – Make Sure Your Marketing and Branding is Consistent

The Power Of One Challenge

Many marketers get very confused with their branding across social platforms, their website, and even within products. It’s hard for people to tell that they’re getting products from the same person or brand because nothing is consistent. It can be confusing to your ideal audience and even more confusing to your actual customers.   When you are developing your brand, it’s important to know the answers to the following questions and to look at them every time you create anything. Whether it’s a page, a product, or an email message, look at your answers every time to focus your branding....

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