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Recap and Where to Go From Here

Blogging Challenge

It is hard to believe it has been 30 days since we started this Blogging Challenge together. We covered a lot of ground and if you followed along with the tips I shared and made an effort to write a daily blog post yourself, I’m sure you’re seeing a lot of progress and growth.  Let’s take a minute and look back at everything we’ve covered so far this month:  [Note- Link to each of your blog posts to make it easy for readers to go back and review.  It might be also worth adding a page of links into the...

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Add Some Videos to Your Posts

Blogging Challenge

We’ve been working hard and putting a lot of effort into our blog posts over the past month. Since we’re about to wrap up this 30 Day Blogging challenge [LINK to first post], and have been working hard, I thought I’d share something quick and easy with you today.  Let’s talk about adding videos to your blog posts. We’ll cover a couple of different questions you may have including why you would want to include them, how to record and include your own, and how to include other people’s videos in your posts.  Let’s start by talking about why embedding...

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Ask Your Readers to Share Their Best Tips

Blogging Challenge

We’ve talked a lot about reader engagement and building a community around your blog throughout this series of posts about blogging. Today we’ll go over a fun little strategy that involves your readers and gives you plenty of fresh blogging topics and ideas.  You may remember a few weeks ago, I suggested you ask your readers to email you their questions [LINK to that post]. Today’s tip is along the same lines, but now you’re asking your readers to share their best tips.   Readers will come up with some interesting ideas. Not all of them are viable for publishing on...

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Endless Ideas With a Blogging Planner

Blogging Challenge

Yesterday we talked about using the keyword planner tool to come up with blog post ideas. Today I have another tool/ tip for you. You can use a blogging planner to come up with almost endless blog post ideas and make sure they work well depending on time of year etc.  One of my favorite blogging planners is the free planner published by Lynnette Chandler from It’s a cool planning tool and each month you get a list of ideas for things you can blog about that month.  Of course you can also come up with your own niche...

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Fresh Blog Post Ideas With the Google Keyword Planner

Blogging Challenge

Whenever I start to run out of blog post ideas, or have a general idea what I want to blog about but not the exact topic or title, I head on over to use the Google Keyword Planner tool. To find it search for “google keyword planner”. It will pop right up for you.  The tool is part of Google AdWords, and you will need a Google / Gmail account to sign up, but there’s no fee for using the tool. All you do is set up a free AdWords account and you’re good to go. No need to buy...

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