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DIGITAL STARTUP SOCIETY BLOG — Use Storytelling to Benefit Your Business

Your Backstory Could Increase Your Sales

Use Storytelling to Benefit Your Business

Today is the final post for the Use Storytelling to Benefit Your Business series. We’ve learned a lot in the last five days. From identifying your target audience to how to take them on an epic hero’s journey. Looking back on day three of the series I shared some top tips for telling stories that build your brand. One of the top tips was using your vulnerability to draw people in. Today I want to expand on that to show you how your backstory can increase your sales.  Most people make their buying decisions based on their senses and emotions....

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Using the Hero’s Journey Methodology in Your Business

Use Storytelling to Benefit Your Business

Have you ever heard of the hero’s journey? While you may not recognize it by its name, you’ve experienced it many times. The hero’s journey is the term used to describe a style of storytelling. All great books, movies, and other compelling stories use a version of the hero’s journey whereby the main character goes through a specific series of events that takes the audience on a wild ride.    The hero’s journey breaks down like this:  Departure  The main character, who is usually an average person is called to take bold action usually to save their family or community ...

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Top Tips for Telling Stories that Build Your Brand

Use Storytelling to Benefit Your Business

You may be all in when it comes to the idea of telling stories in your business, but you may be scratching your head wondering where to begin. Sure, telling stories is powerful, but what does your story need to include to build a brand and get loyal customers?  There are a range of ways to start telling stories that build your brand and help the market identify you. Some are subtle and some are bold and obvious. Here are some top tips for telling stories that build your brand.  Top Tip- Use humor  Top Tip- Give exclusive scoops Top...

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Know Your Target Audience and Tell Them Great Stories

Use Storytelling to Benefit Your Business

Every successful business has a niche. A niche is the term used to describe the very narrow and deep sliver of the market a business serves. The narrower the market, the more powerfully you can serve them. Knowing who your target audience is can help you home in on their needs and help you market to them specifically.  Once you’ve identified your target audience you can begin to tell them great stories that resonate and help them make their buying decisions. Here are some fun examples to consider-  Athletic companies sell apparel and equipment to athletes and sports-minded people. Their...

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Everybody LOVES a Good Story- Even in Business!

Use Storytelling to Benefit Your Business

Everyone loves a good story. From watching a thrilling movie, to reading a great book, storytelling is an amazing way to convey compelling information. We think about storytelling when it comes to entertainment but there are lots of ways to use storytelling, including in business.    Customers Resist Being Sold  If you ask most people, they will tell you they don’t want to be solicited for buying goods. They don’t want sales pitches or to be targeted by ads. When they make purchases it’s generally because they relate to the item or service. What helps them relate? A great story! ...

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