Turn your Hobby into a Source of Income
NEWSLETTER SHOP AFFILIATES My hobbies just sort of gradually became my vocation- Al Yankovic Hobbies are an excellent way to unplug from the real world and use your brain in creative ways. Hobbies can be intellectual, physical, or a combination of both. Hobbies can be artistic or technical, they simply need to be an activity that is done regularly during leisure time. While there are no hard and fast rules about having a hobby, most people don’t think of them as a means to create income. They see hobbies as something to do when not making money. Yet,...
Use your Hobby to Find More Friends
NEWSLETTER SHOP AFFILIATES Make a commitment to having fun, see your best friends and make time for your hobbies and passions- Robert Holden Friendships enhance our lives. Finding great friends and sharing experiences builds lasting connections that sustain us and help avoid issues like depression and loneliness. Even the most introverted people enjoy some form of community now and then. Our lives are very busy, between family and work there isn’t always time for friendships. Hobbies are a proven way to reduce stress and build esteem. Engaging in hobbies with other people can add to the benefits...
3 Ways to Explore a New Hobby that Won’t Break the Bank
NEWSLETTER SHOP AFFILIATES When a habit starts to cost money, it becomes a hobby- unknown Finding a new hobby can be exciting. Delving into something new to try it out can be a lot of fun but it can get expensive if you’re not careful. There’s no reason you can’t explore a wide variety of hobbies before you land on a few that fit perfectly. While you’re discovering what hobbies fit your lifestyle, there are lots of ways to keep costs down so you can test out a wider variety of options without breaking the bank. Here...
Reduce Stress and Anxiety by Finding a Hobby
NEWSLETTER SHOP AFFILIATES Passion is energy, feel the excitement that comes from doing things that excite you- Oprah If you’ve noticed an increase in stress and anxiety, a hobby may be just what you need. Hobbies generate an incredible healing benefit by reducing stress- which everyone needs from time to time. Unplugging and engaging in a hobby can help your mind and body relax. That’s because hobbies are a wonderful distraction from our troubles and a perfect way to unwind from stress. You can reduce stress and anxiety by finding a hobby that disengages you from worries and...
Find a Hobby and Make Life Fun!
NEWSLETTER SHOP AFFILIATES A Hobby a day keeps the doldrums away- Phyllis McGinley Life requires a lot of commitments. Being responsible means doing what you have to do before doing what you want to. Being responsible is a very good thing. We should all strive to be diligent to earn a living, make a home, and be a healthy member of our family, but there needs to be room for things that fill us up personally too…all work and no play isn’t a smart way to live. Finding a hobby…or hobbies, is a great way to add some...