DIGITAL STARTUP SOCIETY BLOG — Raising your Business Leadership EQ
Leaders Encourage Others to Build Their EQ Too
Raising your Business Leadership EQ
Leaders lead, it’s what they do! As a leader, you set an example for those under your watchful eye. How you behave, what you encourage, and the standards you set directly impact the people you lead. Great leaders do the work to raise their EQ and encourage others to build theirs too. In the same way leaders need to: Take better care of themselves Learn new skillsets Have healthy outlets for stress Live well-rounded lives The facts are, their teams or the people they lead need the very same things. That’s why it’s important for leaders to...
Healthy Outlets for Stress Will Raise Your EQ
Raising your Business Leadership EQ
Life can get overwhelming, on and off the job! Managing stress is important…especially when you’re a leader. The people looking up to you and relying on you deserve and expect their leader to have above average abilities to manage stress. Of course, you’re not superhuman so it’s important to realize that you can’t avoid stress and you aren’t bulletproof. That means you’ll need outlets for stress so you can manage it. There are lots of ways to manage stress that aren’t ideal: Eating too much or too little Drinking Raging Running away These stress-relievers won’t do you...
Three Steps to Raise Your Business Leadership EQ
Raising your Business Leadership EQ
We are born with both an IQ and an EQ that are inherent in our personality. Time, circumstances, and the culture we are raised in can enhance or diminish our natural tendencies. As a leader, you have inherent abilities to lead or you likely wouldn’t be leading anyone. That being said, there’s always room to raise your EQ. All leaders are life-long learners who find great value in expanding their knowledge base. In the same way it’s important to keep other skill sets sharp, care should be given to hone skills related to emotional stability. You may find...
Emotional Stability Benefits All Areas of Life
Raising your Business Leadership EQ
Of all the things you can be, being emotionally stable ranks right up there with being kind. Emotional stability benefits all areas of life. Whether it’s leading others or managing private issues off duty, emotional stability can help you cope with life…and people…a lot better. The thing about emotional stability is that it translates to nearly everything you do. The same thought processes and coping skills you use in one area of life are the same in another. How you process is generally consistent all across the board. This means if you are an effective leader because of high...
What Is Leadership EQ Anyway, and Why Does It Matter?
Raising your Business Leadership EQ
EQ, or emotional quotient, refers to emotional intelligence. Our EQ relates to our ability to understand our own emotions and manage them well while directing a team. In leadership, being emotionally stable and level-headed is an asset. People relying on high-quality leadership deserve to be led by people who have a high EQ. This means, the higher the EQ the more effective the leader. Like IQ, or Intelligence quotient, there is a standard level that people have automatically, but EQ can also be raised when there’s conscientious effort. In a sense, while you can make yourself smarter, you can...