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DIGITAL STARTUP SOCIETY BLOG — Email Marketing Challenge

Wrap Up Of The 30 Day Email Marketing Challenge

Email Marketing Challenge

It is hard to believe it has been 30 days since we started this Email Marketing Challenge together. We covered a lot of ground and if you followed along with the tips I shared and put them to good use in your own email marketing, you should already start to see positive results. You’re well on your way to forging a deeper connection with your readers and becoming a better email marketer and copywriter.  Let’s take a minute and look back at everything we’ve covered so far this month:  30 Days To Revive Your List And Rock At Email Marketing ...

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Review And Reuse Your Most Successful Emails Regularly

Email Marketing Challenge

You spend a lot of time writing emails to your list. Throughout this 30 day email marketing challenge, I’ve given you even more to do, adding to the time you spent crafting your emails. Since you put a lot of time and effort into each one, why not make the most of the emails that perform really well for you.  First you need to know what your most successful emails are of course. Way back on day 19 we talked about tracking conversions. Review that post if needed and make it a habit to log into your auto-responder dashboard regularly...

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Edit And Tighten Your Emails – Less Is More

Email Marketing Challenge

When you first get into email marketing, the temptation is big to write these long, elaborate emails. And while there is certainly a time and place for these type of emails, for the most part, you’re better off keeping it short and sweet. Think back to your own experience as a subscriber. With dozens of emails coming in each day (or more), you don’t have the time to read lengthy emails most of the time. Instead, you skip over them or skim through them, thinking you’ll come back and read the whole thing later … which of course never happens. ...

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Using Bonuses To Increase Conversions

Email Marketing Challenge

In yesterday’s email we talked about the importance of pointing out the flaws in the products and services you promote. One of the ways to deal with flaws that can actually work in your advantage is to create a bonus that helps your readers overcome said flaw. This builds a lot of trust and helps you make more sales. Today, I want to take a closer look at how we can use bonuses to increase conversions and make more sales with our emails.  Here’s the thing. Bonuses are great. They help you make more sales whether the product you’re promoting...

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Don’t Be Afraid To Point Out Flaws

Email Marketing Challenge

One of the best things when you’re reviewing products or services and recommending them as an affiliate is to point out the flaws. I’m serious. So often when we sit down to write a product recommendation email, or crafting a solo email for a promo, we focus only on singing the praises of the product or service we want our readers to buy. It’s normal and natural for us to point out all the amazing features and the awesome results other customers are getting. While that’s certainly an important part of any promo or review email, there’s a big reason...

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