DIGITAL STARTUP SOCIETY BLOG — Untapped Email Marketing Profits
Improve Your Subject Lines and CTA
Untapped Email Marketing Profits
If there’s one skill you should be working on to become a better and more profitable email marketer, it is copywriting. Yes, you heard that right. You should be working on your copywriting skills. No, that’s not just about writing long sales pages and even if you’re hiring that out to a professional copywriter, you can still greatly benefit from paying attention to copy and getting better at it. Here’s why. The money you make from your online business and your emails, the first thing that needs to happen, is that your readers have to open your emails. Let’s get...
Time To Fill The Holes In Your Funnel
Untapped Email Marketing Profits
You’ve got your lead magnet all set up and you have a couple of product that you’re selling to your target market, but have you mapped up a whole funnel and have it built out? If not, this may just be the best thing you can do to increase your email marketing profits. A good marketing funnel leads a prospect all the way from the initial opt-in freebie to a high priced product at the end. Along the way, your customers will make multiple purchases, increasing your bottom line. Some of those products will of course be your own. In...
How To Read Your Autoresponder Stats
Untapped Email Marketing Profits
Let’s talk about something that may seem dry and boring but can actually tell quite a fascinating story – autoresponder stats. It may not be something you look at on a regular basis aside from maybe checking to see how many people signed up for your list this week. Ignoring your stats can be a big business mistake. Let’s look at a few different examples of how reading your autoresponder stats can help you make smart decisions and improve your bottom line. I hope running through these scenarios will inspire you to dig into your own stats and discover the...
Not Testing Your Opt-In Forms and Pages? You’re Leaving Money On The Table
Untapped Email Marketing Profits
This may sound a bit harsh, but if you’re not testing your opt-in forms, you’re leaving a lot of money on the table. Let’s start by talking about why this holds true and then I’ll give you a quick rundown of how you can get started with testing. Ready? Let’s roll. How You Can Benefit From Testing Testing your opt-in forms and pages allows you to improve your conversion rate. Instead of converting 10% of visitors to your site, some testing and tracking may allow you to make simple changes that result in a 20% conversion rate. That means your...
How To Work Links Into Your Emails
Untapped Email Marketing Profits
Email marketing is all about profiting from the emails you send to your subscribers. Before that can happen, you have to work links for offers into your messages. This could be offers for your own products or affiliate offers. No matter what you decide to promote, you have to work those links into your various email messages that go out to your subscribers. Here are five different ways to work them in. Which method you chose depends on what you’re promoting and on your niche. Some niches lend themselves to strong solo emails (internet marketing comes to mind), while other...