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DIGITAL STARTUP SOCIETY BLOG — The Healing Power of Gratitude

Don’t Preach to Your Readers & Subscribers

The Healing Power of Gratitude

One thing that is risky when you are creating any type of content - whether it’s a blog post or an information product - is preaching to the choir. You want the audience member to feel special. They need to feel as if you’re only talking to them. That’s going to make them feel important, heard, and understood.   Avoid Using Plural Terms  Using words like “everyone”, “you all”, “y'all”, and other plural terms to refer to your audience needs to be avoided. Each message should be written as if it’s for one person. Use words like “You” instead. Yes,...

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Living Abundantly By Showing And Sharing Gratitude

The Healing Power of Gratitude

Would you like to live abundantly full of happiness and contentment? How about a life with excellent physical and mental health? Greatly increase your chances of that happening by showing and sharing gratitude. That’s right, something as simple as practicing thankfulness and expressing how grateful you are for the people and things you have in your life has a powerful impact. Here are some simple things you can do starting today to show your gratitude.    Tell the people you love how grateful you are for them. We often take the ones closest to us for granted. Make a point...

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Turning Gratitude Outward - Sharing With The World

The Healing Power of Gratitude

 Practicing gratitude regularly has a bit impact on your life, your health, and your mental and emotional wellbeing. But it doesn’t end there. It will also have a big impact on those around you and the world at large when you start to turn your gratitude outwards and share it far and wide.    Roman writer and philosopher Cicero called gratitude the parent of all virtue. In other words, if we practice gratitude we’re also getting better at things like kindness, generosity, orderliness, courage, honesty and respect to name a few. What does this mean in practical terms? If we...

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But What If You’re Stuck In Negativity?

The Healing Power of Gratitude

Practicing gratitude and focusing on positivity is easier said than done. Especially if you are struggling with anxiety and depression. If you ever find yourself spiraling into the deep pit of depression then get help if you need it.  There’s nothing wrong with talking to a counselor or getting therapy. It’s the smart thing to do.    When things aren’t quite that bad, there’s a lot you can do to get yourself unstuck from all that negativity. Start by acknowledging them and putting them into words. How exactly do you feel? Is it anger or annoyance? Frustration or disappointment? Try...

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Adversity - Staying Positive When Life Falls Apart

The Healing Power of Gratitude

We take a lot of good things for granted in our everyday life. A roof over our heads, a steady paycheck, a loving partner, the ability to go out for a run on the weekends. The specifics vary, but one of the big advantages of modern lives is the many awesome things we can count on. We’re not used to falling short, so when something happens and our life starts to fall apart, it’s easy to fall into thinking patterns that focus on lack and despair.    Sometimes the bad things are a result of choices we made. Sometimes they...

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