Use And Improve What You’ve Got
Let’s talk about making your business more profitable. Sure, you could go out and create a new product or come up with an entirely new stream of revenue. But that takes a lot of time and energy. Let’s look at a much easier way to improve you bottom line – using what you’ve already got. Start by seeing what you can do to get more traffic to your site. Read up on Search Engine Optimization to get more free traffic from Google. If you’re not already adding fresh content regularly, now is a great time to start blogging a...
When It Is Time To Start Outsourcing
We all have only 24 hours a day to work with and some of that time needs to be spent sleeping, eating and doing something other than work. That means time is our only truly limited resource. You are probably starting out doing everything yourself when it comes to your online business. You’re the business mastermind, the content creator, tech guy and customer support. That’s all good and well when you’re first starting out, but as your business grows, you’ll get to the point where there just aren’t enough hours in the day to do it all. That’s when...
Tap Into Your Passion - Do What You Love
Sometimes the work just seems to flow and you don’t mind working long hours on a project. Often those are also the things that end up making you the most money, and the reason is simple. The passion you have for the work you do shines through in the end result. To make your business more profitable and a lot more fun at the same time, tap into your passion and work on what you love to do. Of course it isn’t quite as simple as that all the time. Find A Market You Enjoy Serving Start by...
Tools To Help You Be More Productive
You’ve got to love technology. We live in a day and age full of tools and software that make running an online business so much easier than it was just 10 years ago. Here are a few different types of tools that can help you get things done faster and spend less time at your desk. Tools To Help You Get More Done In Less Time Let’s start with a couple of tools that help you get more done in less time – in other words, tools that help get more productive in anything you do. The first...
Time To Build Out Your Funnel
Let’s talk about your business funnel for a bit today. The funnel is the path you want your visitors to take from the time they first find you to becoming a repeat customer. For most of us it looks something like this: Someone comes to our blog or website. He signs up for a freebie and we capture his email address. Emails go out to him, including introductory (think low priced) product offers. He makes a purchase and becomes a customer. He’s presented with an upsell or one time offer. We continue to make more relevant offers while continuing...