When it comes to earning money with your blog, there are lots of avenues to pursue. Blog sponsorship is a popular method that involves contracting with businesses to receive payment for promotional services. Working with brands can be a worthwhile endeavor, but it’s important to understand the ins and outs of the process before jumping in. One of the most overwhelming aspects for new bloggers is understanding the many types of blog sponsorship. Not every type may be right for your blog or its audience. In addition, trying to master them all would be counterproductive. Read the following summary to learn about each type and to begin to consider which ones appeal to you.
Text and Banner Ads
Offering paid advertising in the sidebar of your blog or other designated area is one of the more common ways to earn money from sponsors. Once you agree to the terms of the advertising, you simply receive payment and place the banner. You can offer time periods of one, three or six months. Sometimes advertisers may even request a year’s placement. Along with advertising that is paid up front, there are also action-based ads in which you’ll receive a small payout each time a visitor actually clicks on the ad or completes an action like filling out a survey. While anyone can run such ads, payout is usually quite minimal unless your blog traffic is high.
Affiliate Advertising
Affiliate advertising is something to consider if you’d enjoy the ability to choose the products you promote and earn money based on the effort you put into promotion. You’ll earn a percentage of each sale made through your specific affiliate link. Sites like Amazon, Share-a-Sale and ClickBank are places to find companies to promote. You can begin affiliate marketing at any time in your blogging career and tailor your approach over time.
Sponsored Posts
Businesses often approach bloggers with requests to sponsor a specific post. This can be a post written by you to include a link or mention of the company and its product. It can also be pre-written by the sponsor. Some review opportunities offer product, along with payment, in exchange for discussing your thoughts. It’s also possible to be asked to include a company’s link in an existing blog post. Always be sure to post a short statement that the post is being sponsored. This transparency will be appreciated by your readers, and it’s also a requirement based on regulations by the FTC.
Sponsored Newsletters
A newsletter is a useful tool for bloggers. They allow you to maintain regular contact with readers who have agreed to receive your correspondence. You can use them to highlight your newest posts or to share an upcoming feature. Many bloggers also use newsletter to promote their webinars, e-books and classes. Including sponsored ads in your e-mail engagement with your subscribers is an option for making money through your blog. You should treat these ads in the same manner as advertising within your site.
These are some of the more common types of blog sponsorship. You can work creatively with partners to develop unique campaigns that meet everyone’s needs. They key to successful sponsorship is communication.