One way to attract super affiliates and keep them promoting your products and services is to create a launch calendar and personally connect with super affiliates well in advance of each launch to give them a heads up on what’s going to happen during the launch.
This gives the affiliates time to plan their campaigns in advance and makes it much more likely they will be able to promote you since most super affiliates are more likely to be organized enough to have their promotions planned out months in advance.
Set Up Your Launch Dates & Topics
Even if you don’t have one word of your next project ready, setting up the launch dates and topics in advance, as far as you can manage, is going to make a huge difference in your ability to attract super affiliates. Most marketers are working one to two seasons ahead of today’s date. They may be working on winter content in the summer or at the latest, fall.
Set Up a Webinar Schedule
If you’re going to do webinars with your super affiliates individually to help them promote your new product, provide the webinar schedule in advance with the launch calendar. That way everyone can sign up for a slot in advance. Keep the slots limited so that they don’t take their time signing up. Set up the webinars so that the affiliate gets credit for their people showing up for the launch webinar.
Let Them Know When Marketing Materials Will Be Ready
On the calendar, don’t just list the launch date. Don’t just list when the product and sales page will be live, but also register when you’ll have their marketing collateral ready, and give them a way on this document to click and contact you if they need additional resources that you can offer them for their promotion, well in advance, so you have to get it made.
Give Contest Dates & Plan Information
If you’re having contests for any of the launches, tell them what that contest is called, give them the right links even if they’re not all the way set up yet so that they can participate the moment they’re ready to do it.
Contact Your Super Affiliates
Once you have everything set up, even though you’re not really done with the products, some of which you haven’t even started on, send your super affiliates an email giving them the information about your upcoming launches. You can also put this document in your affiliate backend so that all affiliates can see it. Yes, it’s okay to say some things like webinars, extra graphics, and so forth are for super affiliates making over x amount of dollars each month or making x sale each month if you want to. It will incentivize the other affiliates to work toward that honor.
Get Feedback
When you send them the information, be sure to ask for feedback about the content. Set up your autoresponder to ask for feedback within a couple days of submitting the data so that you don’t forget. Be sure to check that email for responses regularly or set up a Zap ( to let you know, or your VA know.
Follow Up
Always follow up with your affiliates after every single campaign so that you can improve. Every launch you make is fodder for lessons. If you take the information learned and improve each time, every time will go smoother and be more successful.
Working with super affiliates means that you’re going to need to be a little bit advanced in your promotion schedule. The very least you need is to be a quarter ahead in your completed projects and a quarter ahead on the projects you’re working on. That means you’re working on one quarter while planning and brainstorming the next so that you can provide the calendar well in advance of the launch. If you can plan your launches out for the year, that’s even better and will make it more likely they’ll have time to fit in promoting your products.