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Different Types Of Lists Explained

Ebook Super Charged List Building

When you create an email list you’re probably thinking at first of just one list. And, that’s fine. You need to get started collecting your audience’s information sooner rather than later. Creating a master list for your niche is a great way to get started. Thankfully, the technology will help you sort it out later. There are literally hundreds of ways that you can slice and dice your list, let’s look at some basic facts about the different types of lists.

Leads vs. Customers

There are just two types of lists people who have not bought and people who have bought. But, there can be many segmented lists created from each of these. A lead is someone who has not become a customer yet, they should be on a different list from someone who has purchased and is a customer. The reason is that they need different messages. 

Leads can also be moved to segments based on their behavior even if they have not purchased because some behavior signals that they’ll be good prospects. If you want to ensure they’re getting the right messages it’s important to separate your list in this manner. 

When a lead becomes a customer, they should go on a different list based on what they purchased. Then you can also separate these list members based on many factors such as open rates, click through rates, job title and others that make sense to you based on your audience, your products, and your services. 

Other Segmenting Ideas

Once you have your list divided into buyers and non-buyers it’s important to dig deeper. You can further segment your list using tags and behavioral tools provided to you by your autoresponder service. For example, if a lead clicks through to read your blog regularly, you may want them to go to a special list of leads that you consider highly convertible prospects. 

The same can be said for customer lists. When someone buys a particular product, they should be removed from the main list, and moved to the list for people who bought that product or used that service so that your marketing messages will stop asking them to buy that product again and instead ask them to buy the next one in your funnel. 

It’s a little different with repeat services because you may want them to buy the service again but you get the idea. The important part is to create different list segments based on their behavior so that you can send just the right messages to them at just the right time to improve conversions. The segment will inform the message more than anything else. It’s how you’re going to get an email response that says, “You read my mind.” 

Different types of lists are really list segments that require specific types of messages. When you think of it that way it becomes clearer and it makes creating the content for the subscribers simpler. After all, if someone bought Widget A from you, you don’t want to talk to them anymore about Widget A other than in terms of talking to them about their experience so you can get a testimonial. What you want now is for them to buy Widget B. Creating segments for your list will make all the difference.






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