You’ve sent your solo email and you’ve made some sales. Congratulations. Now don’t mess up this next part. The worst thing you can do is never mention the offer again. You’ve spent a lot of time and effort warming up your list, creating or reviewing a product, and writing a great solo email for your list. It was a lot of work, and hopefully it’s already paid off for you in the form of many sales. Why not make the most of it with a follow up email.
One of the best ways to leverage all the work you put into an email offer is to simply follow up with your readers. Our lives are busy and so are those of our readers. There’s a good chance that they saw the email come through, maybe even opened it and started to read when something in their lives took them away from their phone or computer. They had the best of intentions to get back to it and check out the offer, but life got busy and it slipped their mind. It happens to all of us.
You don’t want your readers to miss out, so why not send a gentle reminder. It doesn’t have to be as pushy as the solo email. Just let them know the offer is still up. This is also a great opportunity to overcome objections and clarify what’s up for grabs. You may have gotten some questions as a result of your solo email. That’s great. It shows your readers are interested and engaged. Read those emails and read between the lines.
Once you find out about your subscribers’ objections, you can use the follow up email to overcome them. If they are worried if the investment in a product or course will be worth it, point them to the guarantee, or share a case study of how it has been used successfully. If they are concerned about not being able to implement something, create a bonus for them that helps them do just that. You know they are interested or they wouldn’t have taken the time to email you. Overcome the objections and make the sale.
This one little follow up email that you send a day or two after your solo email can result in quite a few additional sales. Since you’re familiar with the material and the offer, it won’t take you long to write it. Get in the habit of following up on the offers you make (provided they are converting) and increase your bottom line.