The fear of success can be a subconscious reaction to worries and perceptions you have about being successful. Everyone worries no matter how big their goals and dreams. The key is to be willing to commit to your goals and bust through the fears when they arise.
FEAR is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. That means a lot of the worries that come from fear never evolve past your thoughts. Essentially, the time you spend worrying is worse than what may actually come up along the way to success.
You could be held back by fear or you could bust through your fear and start to walk things out. Here are some tips that will help you bust the fear when it wells up and tries to stop you.
Tip: Get the right mindset
Tip: Get a mentor
Tip: Get used to change
Tip: Get the right mindset- Your thoughts and feelings drive your actions. Having the wrong mindset can make busting through fear harder. If your mindset is negative and focused on what can go wrong, it’s more likely you’ll hesitate. Working on how you perceive things and shifting your mindset can help. Putting time and energy into developing a positive mindset can have an impact on your willingness to take risks and bust through fears.
Tip: Get a mentor- Having someone you can trust and lean on can shatter fears. A lot of fear is based on the unknown or worry that you’ll be unprepared for a calamity you didn’t expect. Mentors can relieve a lot of anxiety by offering their expertise, wisdom, knowledge, and support. Mentors have already faced many of the fears you have and have solutions that will make things easier for you. A great mentor is part advisor, part cheerleader, and part trusted friend.
Tip: Get used to change- If you resist change and thrive in security, fearing change can stop you from achieving your goals. Everything changes and people who adapt easily find success. Getting used to change can reduce anxiety and normalize risk-taking behaviors. Change isn’t negative. Change is natural and offers opportunities. Learning to be open-minded to change and seeing it as part of the process helps you embrace change as inevitable and welcome.
Fear of success threatens to hold you back, but you can bust through your fears and face them. Every roadblock has a workaround, all you need is the right mindset, some guidance, and willingness to embrace change.