One thing that is risky when you are creating any type of content - whether it’s a blog post or an information product - is preaching to the choir. You want the audience member to feel special. They need to feel as if you’re only talking to them. That’s going to make them feel important, heard, and understood.
Avoid Using Plural Terms
Using words like “everyone”, “you all”, “y'all”, and other plural terms to refer to your audience needs to be avoided. Each message should be written as if it’s for one person. Use words like “You” instead. Yes, I know your English teacher told you not to do that, but that is a different type of writing than crafting messages for your audience.
Speak in Their Language
Instead of speaking in your language, which is going to be different from a leader’s perspective in your industry, speak in your customer’s language. Avoid using jargon that needs explanation, avoid talking over their heads, or treating them like they don’t know anything. Use words they use when they’re talking among themselves.
Tell Stories that are Relatable
One way to be more relatable to your readers and subscribers without preaching to them is to share stories that deliver your point for you without you having to be all that direct most of the time. Lead them through the story in a way that is personable and feels one-on-one to them. Then bring them toward your point gently so that they feel as if you’re reaching the conclusion together.
Ask Questions
Communication is about engagement. It’s a two-way street. The best way to get your audience to communicate with you instead of passively listening is to ask questions. Ask them, “Did you ever have this problem?” When you frame it as if it’s in the past you’re going to get a lot more responses, and you don’t want to say, “Which one of you” or “We all” or “You all”, it’s just YOU, one person, always.
Have a Conversation
Instead of treating every message you need to relay to your audience as a lesson you must teach, treat it like a conversation from the beginning. A conversation you’re having with one person. That’s what your audience will respond to best. People like feeling as if they’re smart, that they get it, and that you’re in it together.
When you employ these tips for reaching your audience without making them feel as if you’re preaching to them or lecturing them, you’re going to experience so much more engagement, connection, and success. They’re going to want to come back to you again and again for what you offer them - because they know you’re the real deal.