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Grow Your Business One Connection at a Time

The Power Of One Challenge

If you don’t have a big email list yet, it can be overwhelming to think about building one. You know successful people who have huge lists, huge funnels, and huge connections. But, you don’t. You’re just beginning. That’s okay. Everyone starts at zero. Everyone starts somewhere, and everyone grows one connection at a time.


Learn to Tell Your Story

Your story matters. The better you can tell your story in various settings that resonate with your ideal client, the more connections you’ll make that are genuine and the more they’ll count. That’s why you want to make one connection at a time, too. You don’t want to work too hard connecting with the wrong people. 


It’s Really About Them

As you practice telling your story, remember that your story is really their story. Your story needs to relate to your target customer and resonate with how they want to think about the situation, their problems, and you.


Know Who You Want to Connect With

Create an ideal customer avatar so that you know who you want to connect with before you do anything else. That way your messaging, your products, and your services will be spot on in terms of what your customer wants. It’s easier to bring them to you when you’re giving them exactly what they want and need. 


Be in the Right Place

When you know who you want to connect with, find out where they are most likely to hang out online. Then be there. Choose that social platform to focus all your attention. You can create profiles on the others, but let them go while you nurture this one. The one most of your audience uses. 


Use Social Search

If you’re not sure where they are, search for your topic on each platform. Read who is talking about that topic. Who are the movers and shakers? Who is the audience? Go where they go. Focus mostly on engagement, and connection, and it’ll happen organically when you offer value.


Listen More, Talk Less

When you come across your ideal audience member anywhere, whether online or in person, ask questions and listen. The more you listen to them, the more important you’ll become to them. They just want someone to hear them. You don’t need to tell them everything right away. 


Be You

As hard as it is, just be yourself. Inauthenticity shows. It shows because it’s hard to maintain. It can take years to build a lot of connections, so you want to just be who you are - warts and all - because you may be just the person that person in your niche needs to show up in their life. 


Reach Out Individually

Don’t be afraid to reach out individually to people you know are an ideal fit. Invite them to like your pages, into your groups, or just say hello. You can be a resource to them without the hard sell, and if you’ve watched them for a bit you should know whether they’re really your ideal customer or not before you reach out.


Create the Right Type of Profiles

Keeping your audience in mind when you create profiles for social media, your website and even your avatar, make sure they relate to your audience and to your brand. Remember that customer of one? You want to impress that ideal customer the most above anyone else. Keep that information in mind as you create your profiles and add your headshots. 


Go to Live Events

A really great way to make one-on-one connections is attending live events. Live events are classified as anything live - online or offline. If you’re there while the action is happening, it’s live. It’s nice if there is a way to communicate with people individually over listening to a lecture though. Those are the best type of events; settings where you can network.


It’s okay to be brand new, starting out. You don’t have to do everything today or experience overnight success. In fact, the myth of overnight success is probably what’s causing you to think you’re less than. Those people who have overnight success have been working for years, one connection at a time, to be right where they are right now. Follow up with every connection you make, in whatever way you make it. Stay in touch. Send information that is important for them. Be a valuable resource, and more connections will come your way. “Overnight” success can be yours too. One connection at a time.





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