In marketing, there is a potent technique, called the KLT principle. This principle encompasses the idea that to purchase from you, your ideal customer needs to feel as if they know you enough to be able to like you and eventually, based on the fact that they like you, come to trust you … and finally, open their wallet to you and ask you to take their money.
In fact, the KLT principle is so powerful that even unscrupulous people will use this powerful technique to trick vulnerable customers into their scam or to buy their worthless products or services. You know this is true, because you may have also fallen victim to that and made a purchase erroneously due to it. That’s how truly powerful the KLT principle is.
Therefore, please use it wisely and honestly because once engaged, your audience will almost throw their money at you. This isn’t crass. It’s true. They will be begging you to take their money because they want your solution. They want your solution so badly because feel like they know you, and so far, due to their experience with you, trust you and believe that you wouldn’t steer them wrong.
That is a very powerful responsibility for you to have.
So, this, in a nutshell, is how branding works with the KLT principle:
The customer is exposed to your brand through your memes, blog posts, a freebie, a guest post, an article in a magazine, a book you wrote, a speech you gave, a workshop you participated in – however they were made aware of your existence. They find themselves following you on social media, joining your email list, and getting consistent, valuable, transparent information about the solutions that you offer. Because they don’t see any incongruencies, they become trusting enough to want what you offer.
Notice that this is basically your marketing funnel. Branding happens all throughout every single stage of your buyer’s journey from awareness to customer satisfaction and everywhere in between. It’s more than your logo. It’s how everything looks, but it’s also how everything together, from design to the brand’s persona, makes your audience feel. When that is consistent, trust is developed between the brand and the audience.
That’s how essential proper branding is to the success you have implementing the KLT principle in your branding and marketing efforts. Branding works so well because when done right, branding offers a way for you to ensure consistency in look, message, value, voice, and more throughout your business – all the way from product creation, education, deliverance, and through to customer satisfaction and loyalty. It’s that important. Because without the KLT principle, and especially the trust factor of the principle, you don’t have a chance to promote your products online, offline, or anywhere. But when it works, and it will work, you will be as amazed and delighted as your customers.