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How To Tweak & Test Your Opt Ins

Super Charged List Building

The analytics and stats you have available to you within your autoresponder, as well as Google Analytics, can help you tweak and test opt ins to ensure the highest results possible. The best way to test is to conduct split testing. This is also called A/B testing. Essentially it means you test one against another. A against B, for example, when B has just one small thing changed compared to A otherwise they’re identical. 

When you want to test your opt-ins, which is how your audience will get on your email list in the first place, you can do this in numerous ways. Let’s look at a few ways to test them.

Your CTA

Your calls to action are very important. If you have too many CTAs you can confuse your audience. If your CTA is not clear, again, your audience may not respond due to them not understanding what to do.

For example, you may have a CTA to sign up for your webinar, which will also subscribe them to your email list. Try to craft the call to action on the form so that it excites your audience to want to sign up. Instead of saying something like, “Sign up” on the form, why not say something else like, “Yes! I Want to Make More Money Now!” Then make a second one, (B) with a different CTA. Run both to find out which one gets the best response. 

Your Landing Page

While you may not think that the landing page is important when it comes to opt-ins, it is. If the landing page isn’t speaking to your audience in the way they need to hear from you then they’re not going to opt in. Make it clear what they’re supposed to do.

For example, when your audience clicks through to your website to opt-in to something be it get a free report, check list, or sign up for a webinar how the landing page looks is important. The best way to ensure that everything looks professional is to use software like,, or to create a professional looking landing page and opt-in form.

Form Placement 

This is very important because you should place your opt-in form in more than one place for maximum results. You can look at the stats collected regarding the forms that you set up to find out which one is working best. If some aren’t performing you can remove them or tweak them to improve them by using A / B testing.

For example, create what you think is your best form. Then duplicate it, and change one thing that you want to test. Your software may do some of this automatically such as randomly display each form equally so that you can find out which works best. Or, you may need to physically run one for a set amount of time, then switch it to your change. 

Form Design

You may not think how a form looks should matter much. But, it does. Your audience will have preferences to the types of forms that they will agree to use. That’s why it’s important to know your audience. The color, the size of the form, and how it looks over all may make a big difference to opt-in rates.

For example, many people make the mistake of choosing colors based on what they themselves like. But what you like is not important. What your audience likes is important. It’s best to find out through polling, industry stats, and other means what your audience likes in terms of design and color to ensure that it’s what your audience likes. The same can be said for whether you choose a popup, slide, overlay, and so forth.

Conducting split tests will give you the data that you need to determine what works best for your audience. Each time you run a campaign you’ll be able to improve over the time before because of the split testing that you do today.






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