Facebook groups are an awesome way to network with other bloggers. These communities expose you to a more specific group of people than you would encounter on social networking sites at large. This type of learning and collaborative environment offers unique dynamics for bringing folks together in the most useful of ways. It’s important to be strategic in your use of these tools in order to achieve your desired outcome. As with other types of social networking, it’s easy to find yourself losing track of time checking for updates or devoting energy to platforms that aren’t compatible with your objectives. These tips on how to use Facebook groups to grow your network will help you to gain the most benefit from your pursuits.
Define Your Goals
The first step to choosing the right Facebook groups to join is to be sure you’re clean on your anticipated outcome. Taking time to define your goals will increase the likelihood of finding the right fit. Determine your primary reason or reasons for networking and then look for groups that can help you to meet those objectives. Some common motivations for networking with other bloggers include promotion, education, socialization and support. Once you figure out which are most important to you, begin your research. Check out the content and membership of various ones. Bear in mind that you may actually have to request membership to join a closed group in order to gain access. If you discover a group isn’t the best fit for you, don’t hesitate to remove yourself and move on.
Look Within Your Niche
Joining groups of bloggers who are writing about the same or similar topics as you are offers lots of benefits. If one of your networking goals is to make friends, a niche group makes sense because you’re sure to find lots of like-minded people here. These are also good places for learning opportunities, as you can keep track of the latest developments within your subject area, as well as share newly acquired skills. Another advantage is the ability to assess what others are writing in relation to your topic; perhaps this knowledge will help you to brainstorm ideas or provide you with a foundation for adding your own unique viewpoint to a subject. Networking with bloggers like you can also be a way to learn about events or opportunities targeted specifically to your interests.
Follow Your Instincts
Of course, every group won’t be your cup of tea. One of the most important aspects of determining good fit is comfort level. If you don’t feel comfortable or at ease there, you’re not likely to participate. Sure, you can read through the posts to gain useful information. However, you’ll gain the most benefit from a community by becoming an active member. That’s why it’s crucial to spend some time observing the dynamics of the group. You’ll want to consider whether the atmosphere is generally positive or if there seems to be a great deal of negativity within the posts. Another factor may be whether the vibe seems more formal or laid back. Some people thrive on structure, while others prefer to let loose and go off topic once in a while. If the style contradicts your own nature, it may be best to find a different group. Use your own judgment and follow your instincts when shopping for your fit.
Facebook groups are great for networking. Taking time to assess your goals and research the possibilities will ensure you use your time efficiently and gain the most rewarding experience.