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Implement, Track, & Adjust Your Branding Message & Strategy as Needed

30 Days to Develop Your Brand

The interesting thing about creating a brand is that none of it really happens overnight. At some point, you will launch the brand you are now creating. The brand has been developed based on research and study, and due to that should be effective. But you just won’t know how effective until you can put it into the world and study the data that you generate.

Once a brand starts collecting data, it’s normal and natural to track and adjust branding messages and strategy as needed. However, it’s important to have a standard to start with because you never want to stray far from your original vision and message.  

The way you’ll know what needs to change is by starting with the branding you developed, setting specific goals, creating the strategy, and then implementing it. Finally, study your metrics and make decisions based on the numbers so that you know the changes you apply will get the results you want.

For example, the following scenarios are results that you may get once you launch and start studying the numbers:

More Traffic to Landing Page but No Purchases

Let’s say you’ve launched with a freebie on a landing page. You ran a Facebook advertisement to get traffic to the landing page. You are getting great traffic to the page, but no sales or lower sales than you think you should be making. 

Your issue could be one or more of the following:

  • Your Ad isn’t Targeting the Right Audience – It’s very important to use your marketing toolkit to help you with targeting the right people as well as helping you keep the information consistent and cohesive. 
  • Your Landing Page isn’t Addressing the Right Audience – If your audience clicks through due to the advertisement attracting them in some way - whether it’s the headline, the image, or something else - and the landing page is targeted to someone else, you won’t make sales. 

The main issue is that you need to ensure that your ad targets the right traffic based on the needs of your audience and that both the ad and the landing page complement each other and don’t compete. 

47% of Your Email List Members Don’t Open Your Messages

Let’s say you have built your email list to a couple thousand members, but you are starting to notice that almost half of them never even open your message to begin with. What can you do to improve open rates? 

Your issue could be one or more of the following:

  • Your Autoresponder Messaging – When your new list member joins your list, ensure that they are receiving very important information within the first couple of emails. They are more likely to open those, and you can use that fact to train them not to want to miss opening your emails. For example, if they joined the list to get a freebie, is it clear that missing out on the messages will make them miss out on something even better than the freebie? 
  • Poor Audience Targeting – Another thing that happens is that the reason the people are joining the list is not the right reason. This happens due to poor audience targeting. Getting your ideal audience right can sometimes take trial and error. Make sure that you have real reasons for your audience to join your email list that provides value.

As you can see, you can then tweak what you are doing to ensure that you are getting the information correct and that it is cohesive and represents your brand’s values. If you’ve done a good job branding based on your audience’s preferences, and you have focused on the value you can provide to them, you won’t have to make drawing board changes to your branding, but you may have to keep working on making it all work together. 






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