Once you find affiliate products to start promoting throughout your marketing funnel, you’ll want to start adding them to your autoresponders. After all, the more you can automate promotions, the better. Your email marketing system, such as Aweber.com or another autoresponder service, is critical for your success when it comes to affiliate marketing or any type of marketing online. As an online business owner, affiliate marketing should be among one of your revenue streams.
To be successful incorporating affiliate offers in your follow up autoresponder messages, you’ll want to ensure that all offers fit your niche, are priced right for your audience, offer amazing customer service, and fill a need that your audience has that you don’t meet with your own products and services. If you sell things for dogs, don’t be tempted to promote something about cats. Be very specific about why this product or service is right for your customers.
Uncover products that help your customers make the most of their purchases from you. For example, if you sell content about food to your customers, but someone puts out an amazing system for managing content, you can promote that system to them as an affiliate. Vetting amazing services and products that make your customers’ lives easier also feels great.
Locate products that help your customers go to the next level once they’ve maxed out their learning from you. For example, let’s say you sell diet-related information products, host a group on Facebook about eating Keto, but you’re not a coach, and you don’t want to be a coach, but you know a magnificent coach who can help your clients succeed who offers an affiliate program. You can now promote their membership site or group coaching or one-on-one services and make money without having to do all the work alone.
Promoting these affiliate products should become as second nature to you as promoting your own products and services. You should test the product, know the creator, and be sure that it’s a good fit for your audience before you recommend it.
Match up the content you have surrounding the affiliate products with the content you already promote to your audience. Use a variety of educational and informative content in your email messages, as well as on your blog. Add affiliate links inside the content, add bonus offers to those who purchase from your link, and talk about your own purchase and why you love the product.
Finally, send out the messages in the autoresponders based on your buyers’ behavior and perceived need. It helps to map out your products based on your customer’s buying journey. Plus, you’ll want to match products to the right level of product and services that you offer based on that buying journey. Sometimes that means making the offer right on the download page for the first product they’re buying, and sometimes that means sending your customer a follow-up message telling them about your experiences with the product or service that you’re recommending.
However it is that you choose to get them the message about the offer, know that advocating for other people’s products, and earning a commission for doing so is as old as any marketing method is and is a perfectly acceptable and legal way to do business. After all, if you find something useful and don’t recommend it, you’re not fully serving your customers in the way that you hope, are you? Check out the products and services and know them as well as you know your own, and you won’t steer your audience or yourself wrong.