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On-Site Ways To Boost Your Web Authority

On-Site SEO Challenge

Creating a website that is authoritative, relevant, and has amazing content is the first steps to boosting your web authority. Let’s look more deeply into this process so that you can ensure that your website looks and acts as an authoritative site. 

Choose a Good Domain Name – It all starts with choosing a good domain name that includes at least one important keyword for your niche. For example, if you want to create a site for bird watchers putting the words bird watching into your domain or an acronym for bird watching will do wonders for your ranking.

Create Quality Content – Ensure that the content you put on your website is high quality, accurate, and speaks to your audience. Check it for errors, plagiarism, and of course grammar. Format it well, include well-optimized images, and make it look professional. 

Optimize Your Content – Ensure you are using the right heading tags and HTML that helps your content appear the way it should to anyone reading it including the search bots. Use the right meta descriptions, title tags, and formatting. 

Create Content People Want to Link To – People who are interested in your niche will want to link to your epic content. When you create long-form, epic, or cornerstone content think about who might want to use this content as a resource. 

Develop Social Signals – When you add social sharing to your site, and it shows how many likes you have, how many shares you’ve had, and so forth that is a social signal that this content is valuable. 

Link to Authority Sites – When you link out to authority sites about your niche topic then it will help your site become more known for the topic and more of an authority site too. 

Post Consistently & Regularly – You don’t have to post daily if you don’t want to but you should post on a regular and consistent basis. Your audience will get used to you having new content to read, and the search engines will crawl your site more often as you update it. 

Develop an Internal Linking Structure – Linking internally to relevant content in, around, and below content is a great way to not only lead your audience to read more and sticking on your site longer but it’s a good way to get more of your site crawled by the search bots. 

Remove Bad Links – Links get broken and out of date. Keep your site up to date by checking for broken and out of date links often. You can get a plugin to help you with this process too. 

Develop a Responsive Website – Your website needs to be responsive and work on any device otherwise the search engines will penalize you and so will your audience. Most people read on their mobile phones now.

Become the Authority in Your Niche – Write a book, give speeches, participate in roundtables and work toward becoming a known authority in your niche. When you are a known authority more people will link to you and find you. 

Ensure Your Site Loads Fast – If your site takes too long to load you’ll suffer from more bounced visitors which will lower your ranking. 

Boosting your web authority just entails being relevant, consistent, and accurate in the content that you provide to your audience while playing nice with others. This isn’t really hard stuff, in fact, if you go right now and update your pages to include these factors you’ll start to notice a difference in your traffic very quickly. 






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