Productivity is all about outcomes. An Assembly line is productive when it puts out the maximum number of products possible in a given time frame. Our lives are productive when we complete tasks and things we must do and still have time left over for what we want to do. Ultimate productivity includes completing these tasks with minimal time and effort and maximum efficiency. Sadly, many people confusing being busy with being productive. That’s simply not true. Busyness does not mean you are achieving your goals and being productive.
How hard are you working?
Society loves a hard worker. Looking busy gets you noticed, but movement and productivity aren’t the same thing. Working on a task for extended periods of time may make you a hard worker, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re being productive or working smarter. You can work hard digging a ditch with a pick and shovel, but using an excavator is much more efficient and productive. In most cases, the goal is to worker smarter rather than harder.
What’s in the way of your productivity?
No one sets out to be unproductive. Sure, the rare binge-watching television while binge-eating Cheeto’s on the couch day happens, but most people wake each morning hoping to make the best of the next 24 hours. At some point, they get derailed and their productivity is squelched. Some of the most common reasons people fall short of a productive day include—
- Being distracted or interrupted
- Feeling overwhelmed by ideas or options
- Procrastinating or diminishing time
- Lacking productive methods or habits
Set your mind on working smarter rather than harder
Your productivity shifts when you focus on working smarter rather than harder. Taking a streamlined approach to your goals, day, the hour, or the moment can help. Knowing what tends to stop you from being productive can help too. For example, if you tend to get distracted or interrupted, finding ways to avoid these disruptors helps. If you seem to lack tools or habits to be more effective and efficient, finding and developing better strategies will help.
Identify the problem and productivity will follow
Once you identify what tends to make you unproductive, solving the problem will almost always result in increased productivity. Here are some examples:
Distractions and interruptions: Find a location where you are less likely to be bothered by distractions. Schedule your work or activity for specific times when you are less likely to be distracted or bothered by others.
Overwhelm and scattered: Focus on becoming more decisive. Work on narrowing down your options and train your brain to limit the ideas or tasks you consider at a specific time. Focus on the top priorities while tabling other options for later.
Procrastination: Get to the root of why and how you procrastinate. Solve whatever problems are causing you to procrastinate and the task will become more easily managed and your productivity will increase.
Methods and habits: Find technology, systems, apps, or develop habits that support being more productive. Many times, your productivity increases by simply creating a habit to support it.
If you place a greater emphasis on how hard you work, rather than how wisely you work, you may find yourself valuing longevity rather than productivity. Working smarter rather than harder means you can accomplish more and have time for other things that bring you joy.