When you start creating your own products to sell to your ideal customers, there are a few different concepts that you can use as your guide. One that works very well is the concept of sequential product creation. Essentially this means that you take one problem and create a series of solutions that build upon each other. You offer one solution at a time, pulling your buyers through their buying journey, one step at a time.
You may start your product with how to get started. Then you’ll move on to the next steps, and finally, the final steps. You may end up with a sequence of 10 products, or you may end up with 3. It totally depends on the niche and your expertise regarding how far you can go with your audience. Let’s look at an example of the concept of sequential product creation.
When you create a series of products, it might look something like this:
- Entry Level Product – This type of product can be an overview of an entire group of problems designed to give the reader information to guide them to what they need to know next. Solve one thing for them, use your autoresponder to promote one of the next products that help with the problems mentioned. If you taught math, for example, you’d need to teach the concept of addition before you teach multiplication.
- Medium Level Product – Once your customer finishes the work in the entry-level product now, they need to get the next level product. This may be a natural progression, such as the math example, or it might just be solving one of the problems mentioned in product one.
- Expert Level Product – Once you’ve created products that fit the beginner, intermediate, and professional customer, you probably want to create some at the expert level if you can. Remember that you can also use someone else’s product as an affiliate if you’re not at this level. Don’t allow yourself to be hindered by your lack of expertise when you’re passionate and knowledgeable enough to teach beginners. That’s good enough.
- Problem Solving Product – Remember that all your products need to solve a problem. When you think of your products as the skill level needed, that can help you get your sequences of products designed and created or researched and found if you decide to be an affiliate instead of a creator.
- Product Addons and Additions – Remember that you also need to create or find products that serve as addons and additions that add to the functionality or solution that you are presenting. For example, offering a cheat sheet or a template to help guide the customer will make all the difference.
- Complementary Products and Services – Another way to create more products to promote is to think about what complements the products you already made or found. When you can add something to an affiliate product to make it work better, that’s a win-win-win. The creator wins. The customer wins, and you win too.
- Group Coaching and Community – When you have any type of “how-to” product or service, you can also start a group, membership, or community. You can offer lite coaching such as answering questions in the group, directing them to more help through the content you provide, and simply show up for the community. This is a great extra income product that only requires technology, the content you already have, and time.
- Individual Coaching or Consulting – Once you move them to the community, you now have an option to open one-on-one coaching or consulting to help more personally guide yet another income stream. For something like this, you should limit how many you sell, which means you can charge a lot.
Set up an autoresponder series for each product or service or freebie that you promote that leads them through success using the product they received, asks for feedback so you can collect ideas and testimonials, as well as moves them toward the next product or service in your product funnel.
The sequential products you have created should go up in value as well as price. Plus, always promote related products and services throughout each autoresponder series, and remember, you can also do upselling, down selling, and cross-selling. Planning out how you’re going to do this for each product you create or want to promote will make it easier, systemized, and automatic.