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Review And Evaluate Your Best Sources Of Passive Income Regularly

Finetuning Your Marketing

Creating passive income is not really a passive thing. It’s only passive because once you set it up, you can earn money repeatedly from the work you did one time. Once you do the work to set this up, it’ll work for you for a long time. 


How long it’ll work for you depends on your niche, but you’ll notice when the income starts dropping off even though your list is growing, then it’s time to review and evaluate your best sources of passive income to ensure that the products are still available, that your links are still working, and that it's still the best product to solve your customers' problems that you can find.


  • Check the Links Regularly – You can install software to check your links to catch any links that break or stop working. Your email autoresponder solution may have something inside that helps with this, and you can get a plugin for your website. If you use self-hosted WordPress that will help. Otherwise, click the links to ensure that they work. 


  • Check Your Affiliate Dashboard – Any business you work with as an affiliate has an affiliate dashboard area or back office where you can see how many clicks you’re getting, traffic sources, and payment information. Check this regularly to find out how you’re doing according to them and to make sure your numbers match. 


  • Read Product / Affiliate Emails – When you sign up as an affiliate, you usually end up on an email list or invited to a community to help you learn about the products and get marketing information for the products so you can promote them. Read the emails so you can get the information and knowledge in advance of promotions and other products too. 


  • Stay in Contact with Product Creators – The people who create your products are real people. They have lives, and the more you know about them and their lives, the more you can trust them. When you become part of their community, you’ll know first about the promotions, and you’ll end up making more money. 


  • Review Your Product Funnel for Gaps – At least yearly check out your content map to find out if you need more products to recommend, more content to find or create, and fill in any gaps of knowledge for your audience. New people and new products appear all the time that might be the next six-figure earner, so keep looking for new stuff. 


  • Compare Your Income Each Period – When you check out the income you’re making for each product that you promote to your audience, double-check your earnings and compare them to the last quarter and even the previous year at the same time to find out how you’re doing. Sometimes a product will stop producing, and you can tweak the information and revive it; occasionally it’s time to find something new. 


The important part is to set up a schedule to review all the promotions you send, whether in email or on your website, to ensure that the links work, you’re still getting clicks, and that the product creator is still sending you your commission as earned. 




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