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Review What’s Selling And Start Planning More Content On Those Topics

Info Products

At some point in time, you’re going to be stuck trying to figure out what type of content you should create for your next information product. At first, the ideas will keep coming since it’s new, but eventually, you’re going to wake up one day and think you have no more options, that you’ve already done it all. 

But, nothing could be further from the truth. You’ve not done it all, and you can do more, you just need to know how to figure it out. You need to find out what’s selling and then analyze that content to find out how you can do more content about the same topic.

What’s Selling?

Get out your analytics either Google or your shopping cart software and find out what product is your best seller. How many items are you selling about this topic? Are all of them selling well? If not, why not? Did you promote them as well as you did the best seller? Are you using upselling and cross-selling to help promote the other items on that topic to the buyers of the best seller? If not start now.

Create More Content for Your List

When you have a best seller it’s easy to promote more to the buyers of that best seller if you have segmented them based on their buying behavior.  Depending on the email autoresponder software you use tag people to ensure that they get on a special list of buyers or start a new list for each product that you sell so that you can promote more like items to them.

Go Wider

If your best seller is laser-focused on a specific part of a topic is there a way to expand what you cover to create a new information product? For example, if your best seller is “Drink More Green Tea for Good Health” there are a few ways you can go with this. If your audience is most interested in health, you can start writing about the various health issues that green tea helps with instead of green tea. If your audience is interested in Tea, then you can develop a product about different uses of tea in cooking and health. 

Go Deeper

Is there a way you can take on point out of the best seller and create a new information product? For example, if your best seller is 365 Healthy Habits to Get You Through Every Day of the Year, maybe you can find one of the quotes to create an information product laser focused on that issue. For example, if one of the habits is about drinking more water you can write an information product about water. 

Whatever you have that’s selling the most that means that’s what your audience is most interested in. Explore other ways you can come at the topic in a new way that makes sense for your audience. This works for every single niche. Look through the bestselling content and note each chapter, title, and subheader, each is an opportunity to expand on the topic to create a brand-new information product that you can promote. 






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