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So, You Want to Be an Entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurial Education

There are a lot of ways to earn a living. In today’s world, it’s easier than ever to make your mark and earn income at the same time. There was a time when earning potential was dictated by factors that included education, location, financial backing, and more. Nowadays, these barriers don’t have to stand between you and all the unlimited opportunities, thanks to entrepreneurialism. 


Google defines an entrepreneur as a person who organizes or operates a business or businesses, taking on greater than normal financial risk to do so. While entrepreneurs do take great financial risks, they also have the potential to reap even more than financial rewards. 


Wanting to be an entrepreneur is an awesome thing. In the truest sense of the word, awe-some. The entrepreneurial world is captivating, scary, and crosses a lot of uncharted territory. Being an entrepreneur is more than just being your own boss, it’s being the boss, the employee, the tech support, the customer service, the legal team, the janitor crew, the marketing team, and so much more! That’s part of the fun as well as part of the headache. 


There are some key things to remember as you embark on the entrepreneurial journey. Keep these things in mind— 


You won’t know what you’re doing at first, that’s normal! 


Most entrepreneurs go into business being an expert in the thing they are doing or selling. In order to do or sell that thing, they must wear all sorts of hats they may not have thought of when they started. That’s ok. One of the wonderful aspects of being an entrepreneur is discovering all the moving pieces that make up their business and learning how to make it all work together. 


People may not understand what you’re doing, that’s normal! 


Entrepreneurialism isn’t as unusual as it used to be, but it still remains somewhat esoteric to the mainstream. People may not understand your vision or the risks you are willing to take to pursue your goals. That’s ok, there are resources, groups, and people out there that do. Plugging into a tribe that understands and supports your efforts can help you feel less alone when most of the people around you don’t quite understand what you’re trying to do. 


You’re going to make BIG mistakes, that’s normal! 


Becoming an entrepreneur involves risk. There are many ways to fail, be rejected, get discouraged, and make BIG mistakes, that’s ok. It’s normal to hit tough spots and face setbacks. These are great teachers and only help you become stronger and better at being self-employed. Face your setbacks with determination and grit and you’ll pass through them. On the other side you’ll emerge with more experience and resilience which all entrepreneurs use to succeed. 


So, you want to be an entrepreneur? Good for you! It’s one of the toughest experiences you may ever face, but also one of the most rewarding. Welcome to the ranks of men and women who have chased their dreams and made their passions an opportunity to earn income and make a mark on the world. 


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