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Split Testing Helps Improve your Marketing

5 Metrics to Test & Tweak

Creating a marketing campaign requires a fair amount of psychology, expertise about goods and services, and creativity. Getting into the heads of your potential customers and trying to figure out what motivates them to purchase your goods and services is key for creating sales copy, landing pages, and graphics. Experience and a bit of guess work all goes into creating marketing materials and ultimately your sales reflect if the materials are effective. 


Split testing is a great way to test the market by comparing two marketing plans or techniques and seeing which outperforms the other. By offering two funnels or marketing campaigns, data can determine which is more effective leading to better marketing choices. Here are some examples of ways to use split testing in your business. 


Offering two headlines for a blog post- By tweaking headlines on a blog post, you can determine which of the two has a higher click rate.  An example could be Title #1 “How to cook perfect hard-boiled eggs that peel with ease” or Title #2 “Learn the secret for perfectly cooked hard-boiled eggs that never fails.”  Testing these two headlines can help you determine which get more traffic and more engagement. 


Switch up your call to action- How you ask for customers to take action matters. There is psychology behind sales and making the ask can influence who says yes. Try testing your verbiage in your call to action and see if your sales improve with one versus the other. Examples could be “Yes! Sign me up” or “Show me the secret!”


Asking questions VS making statements- Social media is a great place to use split testing in your business. Engagement is everything when it comes to social media. How you engage your audience can determine how much they respond. Try different approaches and see which give you the most return. Examples could be asking questions at the end of a post and encouraging engagement. Or, making statements that open a discussion organically.  

Change up your freebie offer- If you offer a freemium product to join your list it could be helpful to try more than one offer and see which gets more traction. Offering a report or a checklist can give you feedback on what people prefer or see as valuable. Testing your opt-in by changing the offer can help you see what your customer is willing to give you their address for. 


One and done isn’t a great way to do business. Testing your market by giving them choices helps you determine what tag lines work best, what products they are looking for and what language they respond to most. Be open to testing your market and split testing your goods and services to ensure you’re getting the most traction for your marketing efforts. 


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