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DIGITAL STARTUP SOCIETY BLOG — Building Your Business Around Your Lifestyle

Let’s Recap 30 Days of Building a Business That Serves You and Your Lifestyle

Building Your Business Around Your Lifestyle

Let’s take a quick walk down memory lane and browse through all the different topics we covered over the past 29 days.  In the last month, you’ve learned about building a business that practically runs itself. You’ve learned about various technology that can help you build this type of business and about the mindset that you’ll need to achieve this goal.  The main thing you need to take from this series is that you can build a business that works for you and provides for you in the way that you need. You don’t have to do things the traditional...

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Reevaluate Your Dreams and Goals Regularly and Tweak Your Business Accordingly

Building Your Business Around Your Lifestyle

Set aside some time each quarter or, at the very least, each year to revisit your dreams and goals. Change them as needed and then look at what you’re doing in your business. Does everything align? Can you tweak or change some things to make this business able to better support what you want to do?    The only way to be sure that the actions you take are getting the results that you want to get is to periodically evaluate by checking the numbers. As you check the numbers, you’ll need to adjust as needed to ensure that everything...

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Allow Your Business to Grow and Change with You

Building Your Business Around Your Lifestyle

  Did you know that every seven to ten years, you’re an entirely new person because your cells have totally regenerated and replaced their systems during that time? You can really see it when it comes to kids. Look at your child’s pictures from two years ago, or five years ago, and your mind will be blown. It all happens so fast.    You may be starting this business because you’re a parent of a baby, and you don’t want to leave them. You may have started this business because you have teenagers and you have more time to start....

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Creating a Business That (Almost) Runs Itself

Building Your Business Around Your Lifestyle

Setting up a self-running business involves considering the aspects of your business that are most important to your customers that all businesses need to remain healthy. That means dealing with customer service - ensuring that they are getting their products on time and that they are happy with the service you offer. The best way to do that is to employ some technology that helps based on your audience’s needs and what you learn about them through your study of them.    For the most part, customer service, product delivery, and marketing can be automated seamlessly using various types of...

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Contingency Plans - What Will You Do When…

Building Your Business Around Your Lifestyle

As a small business owner, you need to be prepared when things go wrong. If you’re aware at all of “Murphy’s Law,” then you know that if something can go wrong, it often will. Well, it’s not true, but it’s good to pretend that it’s true so that you’re prepared for when things do go wrong. Make no mistake, things will go wrong. Being prepared doesn’t mean you’re not optimistic, it just means that you’re ready – which ironically means you can be more optimistic.    Just remember things happen. You may lose power, your computer may stop working, your...

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