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Make Cross Sales And Consider Higher Priced Products

Customer Follow UP

The hardest part of selling online is finding customers and getting them to make that first purchase with you. It takes the most time, effort, and nurturing. You have to work hard to build a relationship with these people so they start to like, know, and trust you. Once that’s done, and they buy the product, the hard part is over. Provided your products are good, they’ll be happy to buy from you again and again. Yet so many of us are solely focused on market to new potential customers, when could be increasing our profit margins greatly by making...

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Two Emails You Should Send To Every Customer

Customer Follow UP

As an online marketer, you spend a lot of time and effort writing emails. You email your list, you email your customers, you email affiliates, you email potential JV partners, the list goes on and on. In short, a big part of your online marketing efforts is writing emails. It’s always been that way and it will continue to work that way. Today I want to take a minute to briefly go over two different types of emails that I always send to my customers, and I think you should too. Let’s see if you agree with me by the...

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The Benefit Of Making Affiliate Offers To Your Customers

Customer Follow UP

You put a lot of time and effort into growing your customer list. Why would you use it to promote other people’s products? I get it. We can feel pretty protective of our hard won buyers, and we should be. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t promote other people’s products and profit from it. Let me explain.  Think back on a time when you got into a new hobby, or when you first started building your online business. You didn’t learn from just one person, did you? You didn’t buy just one book on woodworking, or classic car restoration....

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Promote New Offers To Your Customers First

Customer Follow UP

Your customer list is a valuable asset. These are the people whose trust you’ve already earned. Keep that in mind as you promote and be protective of your loyal fans. When you are coming out with a new product, they will be your first stop. In other words, make sure you always promote new offers to your customers first. In fact, I like to keep my existing customers in mind when I’m starting to think about a new product to create. What else do they need? How can I help them on the next step on their journey toward their...

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Make Backend Sales On Autopilot

Customer Follow UP

How would you like to wake up to sales notifications every morning, or have them pop up in your inbox throughout the day, whether you’re working or not? Today I’m going to share with you how to make that happen without hardly any more work on your end. Best of all, this is a system you’ll be setting up once that continues to work for you going forward with only minor upkeep.  To make this happen, we’re going to take advantage of the fact that people are more likely to buy from you again after the initial purchase. Your job...

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