One of the best ways to boost traffic is to use social media as a means for promotion, engagement, and research. In fact, the only effective way to build a targeted audience using social media is to share as much relevant content with your audience as you can, while also engaging with them about the content. After all, they’re already there. They’re already waiting for you to provide information to them that they need.
Make it Visual
When you share content on social media always include a graphic. People are more likely to look at graphics. You can create an easy graphic using software like Pull out a compelling quote from the content and tell readers why they should click through to read the content you’re sharing.
Create Compelling Headlines
On social media sometimes, people will not click through if the headline doesn’t fit their idea of something they want to read. Ensure that you put the benefits up front in your headlines on the content you’re sharing so that when you share it on social media it pulls the headline and makes the reader want to click through.
Customize Based on The Social Media Platform
Don’t share content the same way on every single platform like a robot. Instead, consider where you’re posting and act accordingly. Make the images different especially since they aren’t all the same size, make the blurb a little different, and recognize for the audience the platform you’re using.
Time It Right
Each platform has probably collected stats for you about when the best time to share any given post is, but you should also look to your own analytics to ensure that you’re sharing any content at the right time to get the most views. Additionally, some platforms you can share multiple times in a day, while others you might want to share fewer times in a week.
Ask Questions
Your audience wants to be social and engage with you on social media. Ask questions related to the content within the share. That way, a discussion can happen right on your social media share calling more attention to the post. For example, instead of putting the link to the content on the top in Facebook, you can ask a question, include an image, and then link to the content in the discussion area. Often, these types of links get more clicks because it seems like part of the discussion.
You Don’t Need to Share on All Platforms
There are some cases where you’ll want to focus particular shares of content on one social platform over another. You don’t need to share all content on all platforms. If it’s relevant share it but if it’s not, don’t. It’s that simple.
When you focus on sharing content with your audience where they already are, social media, you’ll get a lot more traffic to your content than you will if you don’t do this. Don’t waste the high value that social media engagement can provide to you.