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The Dos and Don’ts of Creating Compelling Content

Business Tools and Tips for Content Creators

Creating compelling content is a requirement if you want your audience to stick around. Whether you’re writing a blog post, creating a video, or designing a presentation, your audience will quickly lose interest if your content is dull. On the other hand, compelling content is engaging and interesting and makes people want to return for more. If you master creating compelling content, you’ll be well on your way to success as a content creator. 


The dos and don’ts of creating compelling content:

Do: Write an Attractive Headline

Your headline is what they see first. Therefore, it’s imperative to make it count. A good quality headline will grab attention and make people want to read more. A great headline will do all of that and give a hint about what the article is about. 

Some tips for writing an attractive headline:

  • Use strong verbs
  • Make it clear what the article is about
  • Keep it short and to the point
  • Use numbers or lists
  • Ask a question


Don’t: Bury the Lead

The lead needs to be right up front. It’s what the content is about. Don’t hide it. The lead should be the first thing people see when reading, so make sure it’s interesting and engaging. If you bore people with your lead, they’re not likely to stick around for the rest of the article.


Do: Write in a Compelling Voice

Your voice, not necessarily your information, makes your content unique. It’s the way you write and the perspective you bring to your topic. A compelling voice is engaging, interesting, and easy to read. It sounds like a natural person talking, not like a boring textbook. 

Some tips for writing in a compelling voice:

  • Be yourself
  • Write as you speak
  • Use active voice
  • Use the first-person point of view 


Don’t: Forget about SEO

SEO or search engine optimization s vital if you want people to find your content online. 

There are a few simple things you can do to make your content more SEO-friendly:

  • Use keywords
  • Optimize your headlines
  • Structure your articles with headings and subheadings
  • Include images and videos


Do: Keep It Concise

Most people have a short attention span. Then means you need to be sure your content is concise and to the point. However, this doesn’t mean you have to write short articles, but you should get to the point quickly and avoid meandering side roads. If you can make your point in fewer words, do it. Don’t force it to be longer if it doesn’t need to be.

Some tips for writing concisely:

  • Use simple words and sentences
  • Avoid unnecessary details
  • Get to the point quickly
  • Edit ruthlessly 


Don’t: Be Boring

Boring content is the kiss of death. People will quickly lose interest if your content is boring and move on. To avoid being boring, write about interesting, exciting, or controversial topics. And don’t be fearful about showing some personality in your writing. 


Do: Write for Your audience

If you want to create compelling content, you need to know your audience and what they want to read. So write articles that are relevant to their interests and needs. And don’t forget to promote your content where your audience is hanging out online. 

Some tips for writing for your audience:

  • Know who your audience is
  • Write about topics they’re interested in 
  • Promote your content where your ideal audience is online (you want to put it right in front of their path as often as you can)


Don’t: Copy Others

There’s a lot of content out there, and it can be tempting to copy what others are doing. But if you want to create compelling content, you need to be original. So find your own voice and perspective, and don’t be afraid to experiment. 


Creating compelling content is essential if you want your audience to stick around. By following the dos and don’ts above, you’ll be well on your way to creating content that packs a punch.






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