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The Importance of Branding in Social Media

30 Days to Develop Your Brand

Branding your business on social media is all about building your brand identity in a consistent way that differentiates you from your competitors. As usual, if you want to stand out, you need to know who your audience is, what problems they have that you can solve, and know them enough to explain to them why they should choose your solutions over someone else’s solutions. Because building trust online takes more than one interaction, consistency is key when it comes to branding your business on social media.

  • Get More Targeted Traffic – When you create any content for any platform, you should immediately share it on your social media platforms in order to help promote the content and get clicks back to your website or landing pages.
  • It’s Part of SEO – Using social media is considered “off-page” search engine optimization and offers you a way to increase the visibility of your website or your products and offers in a natural way.
  • Increase Your Reach – When you are consistent across social media networks with your branding so that people know it’s you and what you represent, you can reach more people because some people prefer Pinterest to Facebook or Instagram Stories to YouTube. 
  • Build Stronger Relationships – One thing social media can do very well is build community if you know what to do. Keeping your branding cohesive throughout platforms will reassure your followers, fans, and customers that you are trustworthy. 
  • Retarget and Remarket to Your Audience – When you use social platforms properly, you can also run advertisements through them using your normal messages to reach more people. You can target friends of your followers as well as remarket to them again after they read or downloaded something from your site.
  • Provide More Responsive Customer Service – Many customers today don’t look for you on your site to provide customer care, often they will look for you on social media. They might even complain first on social media. This is an opportunity to provide very responsive customer service that can spread brand awareness in amazing ways.
  • Build Community & Brand Loyalty – Because social media helps you build a responsive community, inviting paying customers to your groups and communities can help build and spread brand loyalty especially if you use it to give them something extra.
  • Makes It Easy to Promote Your Products & Content – Social media is a great platform to promote and share all your ideas, creations, and plans in a way that you can promote them. You can set up automation to make it even easier.
  • Your Competitors Are Using Social Media – The fact is, your customers expect you to be there because your competition is there. If you aren’t there, you will not have a business today. Being on social media is a necessity. 

If your audience cannot recognize you across platforms, it will be harder to get your message out. Working your branding in depends on the platform but it’s usually just a matter of ensuring your graphic designer makes the right size and shape images for the different platforms and then ensuring that anyone making updates, answering customers, and engaging with your audience uses the right words to advance your message and your brand to your audience. 





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