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The Three Pronged Approach To Profiting From Your List

Ebook Super Charged List Building


While profiting from email marketing isn’t rocket science there are some ways to approach profiting from your list that work extremely well. Let’s look at the three-pronged approach to profiting from your list.  

  • More Exposure and Traffic 
  • If you use your list right you’ll get more traffic and more exposure. For example, when you write a blog post, you should also write an email linking to the blog post so that your email list will go to your website. When you are consistent and provide value to your audience they’ll be happy to be reminded to go to your website. 

    Likewise, you should also cross promote your list on your website and on social media. This way you’ll get more list members so that you can remind them about your social media events, your blog posts, as well as tell them about exciting and new offers and opportunities that you either planned yourself or know about. 

    One thing to remember about traffic is that all traffic is not created equally. You want to bring targeted traffic to your list, not just anyone. Therefore, you may use different incentives such as lead magnets and benefits that only your audience will want.

  • Better Conversion 
  • One way to improve the quality of your list (which will improve your ROI) is to create better opt-in forms, segmentation, and value for your list. The more truly targeted list subscribers you have the higher your conversions for sales will become. Create compelling offers that make them happy to sign up for your email list.

    You need to understand who your audience is and how to get them to sign up for your list. Over time different things may work better. If you want to capture more emails from your targeted audience consider pop-ups, pop-under. slides as well as overlays for your home page that will get your audience’s attention. Consider adding a sign up under each blog post or an overlay that slides over when your audience is leaving the site.

    You may not want to try everything all at once, but you may want to try out different approaches over time to find out what works best with your audience. Each audience is particular about how they like things and testing will get you to where you want to go. Using professional software that looks beautiful is a start. 


  • Increased Engagement and Open Rates 
  • Now that your audience is on your list it’s important to work toward improving engagement and open rates. The best way to do that is to be consistent, provide value, and give them what they want. When you can solve problems for your audience you’ll convert at a much higher rate than if you’re just throwing products at them without regard to who they are. You want them to say, “wow they read my mind, I need this now” when they open their email and see your message.

    To accomplish this start training your email list subscribers from day one to open your email. Make your welcome message interesting and compelling. Say something more than the auto generated message your autoresponder provides. Beef it up and make it sexy. Add in your personality. Tell them what to expect from you going forward.

    It all starts with your welcome message and it continues throughout the years with each additional message that you send to your list. Ensure that each message has a reason for being posted such as education, engagement, information, and inspirational messages that help them act on your calls to action. 

    When you work toward getting the right people on your list and then engaging with them consistently, you’ll soon see a huge improvement in conversion rates for each email with an offer that you send to your email list. 






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