We are born with both an IQ and an EQ that are inherent in our personality. Time, circumstances, and the culture we are raised in can enhance or diminish our natural tendencies. As a leader, you have inherent abilities to lead or you likely wouldn’t be leading anyone. That being said, there’s always room to raise your EQ.
All leaders are life-long learners who find great value in expanding their knowledge base. In the same way it’s important to keep other skill sets sharp, care should be given to hone skills related to emotional stability. You may find yourself weak in certain areas like motivating people, delivering critical feedback, or managing your anger. That’s ok, you can easily raise your business leadership EQ by putting effort into any area you feel deficient. Here’s three easy steps you can take to raise your business leadership EQ and become a more effective leader.
Step 1. Get some feedback- As a leader, it’s important to routinely seek honest, constructive feedback about how you’re doing. Whether you poll your family, staff, or customers, it’s important to get feedback from those you lead. Seeing your leadership style through the eyes of the people you lead can help you find areas where you’d like to raise your skills.
There are plenty of ways to engage others to highlight areas you may be weak. Asking directly can help, but you can also pay close attention to any friction points that come up when leading others. This can help tip you off to areas where you may want to enhance your skills.
Step 2. Get some education- Whether you read, watch videos, get therapy, go to school, or get a certification, there are unlimited ways to enhance your skills. The key is to be intentional and committed to learning new things. Thanks to the world wide web, it’s easier than ever to learn highly specialized skills with ease.
Tip- Make reading leadership-focused material part of your everyday routine. When you make learning a built-in habit, you’ll pick up skills without making special effort. The more you read, the more you’ll learn and experience new opportunities to become a great leader.
Step 3. Practice and review- Trying on a new skill set might feel awkward at first. It’s important to try and review your techniques for any tweaking that might be needed. Remember, practice makes perfect and what might feel awkward in the beginning can actually become normalized quickly.
Great leaders are always taking steps to increaser their skills, this includes leadership skills related to their emotionally stability. Use these steps to raise your EQ and make the most of your tool chest.