You may be all in when it comes to the idea of telling stories in your business, but you may be scratching your head wondering where to begin. Sure, telling stories is powerful, but what does your story need to include to build a brand and get loyal customers?
There are a range of ways to start telling stories that build your brand and help the market identify you. Some are subtle and some are bold and obvious. Here are some top tips for telling stories that build your brand.
Top Tip- Use humor
Top Tip- Give exclusive scoops
Top Tip- Be vulnerable when appropriate
Top Tip- Use humor to tell compelling stories. Humor is a great ice breaker and can keep difficult topics light. People love a good laugh or an escape from reality. Using humor can help. Setting a story up with humor can make it similar to stand-up comedy with a great punch line at the end. Build up to a funny finish that will help your customers blow off some steam and appreciate your humor.
Top Tip- Give some exclusive information now and then. When your audience gets the inside scoop or valuable information, they lean in. People thoroughly enjoy being an insider. Sharing stories that give your audience a look behind the curtain or exclusive information can increase their interest and loyalty. This works especially well with audiences who have been with you for a while. Being able to know you better or get first-hand info before the rest of the world builds rapport. An example of this was the Regis and Kathy Lee show. They started their show each day by sharing anecdotal info about the night or weekend before the show leaving audiences feeling like they had special information and access to the hosts.
Top Tip- Be vulnerable when appropriate…but not all the time. Sharing deeply personal information can be a strategic and powerful form of storytelling. Being vulnerable from time to time can build rapport and know, like, and trust. Choosing special stories to help your audience relate to you or lead them to a specific conclusion can be wise. The key is not to use vulnerability too often. Being too open too often can negatively impact your audience. Sharing chronic problems, struggles, or situations can deteriorate your authority and take you from being vulnerable to creepy.
You can begin to use stories in your business instantly. From sharing a bit about your weekend in a Monday email to telling a vulnerable message in your newsletter. There are plenty of ways to use storytelling to impact your audience. Choose the tip that works best for you, try it on and see how you feel.