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Ways to Repurpose Your eBook

Ebook Content Marketing

Once you’ve created an eBook, you can repurpose the eBook in a variety of ways even if you used other content to put the book together, you can still repurpose the eBook again. Everything listed almost without exception can be repurposed the opposite way too. 

  • Make it into a course – Whether it’s an email course or something more formal you put on a platform like, you can turn most “how to” eBooks into a course. All you will need to do is add supporting documentation to help clarify the points and steps you want your students to take.


  • Create blog posts – Almost every sub-header within your eBook is fodder for a new blog post. You can start with the research you have from the book and simply reorganize the information to make it unique. 


  • Develop articles – The research you already have within the eBook can also become information for articles that you send to magazines and other publications to help market your eBook.


  • Create infographics – Any book that has data can be made into infographics. An infographic can be made into multiple memes based on each individual bit of provable data that you have.


  • Use as a basis for videos – A title, a heading, a subheading, a hard to explain concept, data, testimonials, and so forth are all items that you can use as a basis for any video that you create. Videos can then be used across all platforms to help market your eBook. 


  • Turn chapters into podcasts – Each chapter and even parts of chapters can be turned into the topic for a podcast. You’ve already done the research. You already have the info compiled so you should use it.
  • Create SlideShare’s or PowerPoint slides – Take the information and points in the book to create a slide share or PowerPoint slides that can then be used to help create a course and other information to help market the eBook.


  • Add info to a newsletter – Use the information you’ve collected to create the book as information for your newsletter. You can reprint the information as published in the book right in a newsletter that you send online or in print.


  • Turn the information into a speech or talk – A book is an excellent way to break into the public speaking world. You can get the book printed to take with you, then use the information and topic of the book to inform your talk.


  • Develop a workshop – Use the information and goal of the book to develop a workshop. You can do workshops online and locally. Create some extra checklists, cheat sheets, and forms to help workshop participants succeed. 


  • Pull out case studies – If you’ve included case studies, pull those out of the work, and start publicizing these success stories in other ways. You can turn them into memes, videos, graphic stories and more.

As you can see there are numerous ways to repurpose the content you create for any product that you develop. If you plan before creating the content how you want to use the content and all the formats you want the content to be in, it’ll make it easier for you to repurpose content from the start in a more organized way. 



Within the pages of this eBook you have learned how to develop a plan for your content creation, find and fill in the gaps to make it more informative and polished as well as how to share and market your final creation. Plus, we’ve provided tips on how to repurpose what you’ve created. 

The steps to take now are:

  1. Access the content you already have – Most people already have a lot of content on their computer that they’re not using. It might be blog posts you’ve written in the past, and it might be private label rights content that you’ve bought. Before you do one thing look at and organize the content you already have so that it’s easy to reuse.


  1. Choose a problem you can solve for your audience – Ensure that you know your audience well enough to know their problems. Pick one problem that you know you can solve with a simple eBook giving them the “how to” steps using the content you have plus additions that make it special.


  1. Develop an outline for the new product – The best way to ensure that you include everything you need to include in your new eBook is to develop an outline. Outlines aren’t hard to do if you think of them as simply headings and subheadings or steps in the process you want to teach.


  1. Set up files in an organized manner – When you know what topic you want to create your product in, copy the content that you accessed and organized into the right files. An effective way to do it is to create a separate folder on your computer for each subheading in your outline.


  1. Cut & Paste the content you have – Once you’ve organized the content you can just copy and paste it into the right area of the document that you’ve pre-set up in your word-processing software such as MS Word, Adobe or Pages. 


  1. Note where to fill in the gaps – After you cut and paste the information, read through it out loud. Make notes about where to fill in gaps of information and where transitions will be needed.


  1. Note where and what graphics you want to include – One thing that makes a product effective and comprehensible are often graphics. As you go through reading it, note where a graphic might help with understanding. Describe the graphics that would work. If you outsource send that information to your graphic designer. 


  1. Add in transitions and additional information to give it your voice – Once you’ve noted where you need transitions, simply go through the document and add in one transition at a time. It’s easier to go through your document and only add one new thing at a time rather than trying to do it all at once. For example, suppose the document has words you dislike inside like “shouldn’t” do a “find” and “replace” to get rid of those words.


  1. Finish and polish – Once you’ve added in the words that make it your voice, keywords that you have identified your audience will respond to, images, transitions and so forth read through the document again to finish and polish it so that it looks and read well. 


  1. Get beta readers – Once it’s finished to this level an effective way to get testimonials plus ensure that you didn’t forget anything is to ask beta readers to read it and critique it. Five to ten beta readers will give you plenty of information.  Fix the things they mentioned. (hint: beta readers should be part of your target audience)


  1. Sell it – Now that you’re done you’re ready to start sharing it and marketing it to your audience. Leave no stone unturned from creating effective sales pages to informative email marketing messages. 


  1. Repeat – Do it again. 

Get started right now on this project. The sooner you finish creating something to sell to your audience that will solve a problem for them, plus at the same time create a plethora of information and content for you to repurpose, the sooner you’re going to see success. 




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