As a product seller and promoter, you need to know what you’re promoting and offering to your audience. The best way to do this is to map the offers that you have for your ideal customer’s entire buying journey. When you do this, you should know which offers you’re making during each stage, whether it’s when they gain awareness or if it’s when they’re ready to make a purchase or whether it’s after the purchasing.
You’ll end up with a list of offers that you can track. You’ll want to create an inventory of every single offer you have, whether it’s free, an affiliate offer, or a paid offer that you created. An excellent way to do it is to create a spreadsheet arranged with each stage of the buying journey matched with your offers. Include links to the offer page, landing pages, and affiliate products so that it’s easy to share at any point you want to.
Once you organize your offers, you can more easily notice where you have gaps in your offers. For example, are there some intermediate levels or beginning levels of products and information you can offer within the buying journey? Maybe you have a lot of lower-cost products that can be turned into a more lucrative membership website? Perhaps you’ll notice a gap in your higher-priced options. The best way to not only get ideas for more offers but to track, tweak, and improve the offers you have is to know what you have first.
Even when you offer digital products, you should consider them to be part of your inventory. All businesses that have products to sell keep track of their inventory. Your information product business, content marketing business, or even service-based business should be treated the same so that you know what you’re offering to them when you’re offering it, why you’re offering it, and more. That information will help you improve your profit margins exponentially.
Once you have your product inventory set up, now you can more easily monitor the results you’re getting from making offers. Can you improve the SEO for your sales pages? Can you create more blog content to teach your audience about the problems that they have that your solutions solve? You can when you know what’s happening, and the only way to know what’s happening is to get your inventory organized. The best way to do it is to organize it based on your ideal customer’s buying journey.
When you get organized, you’ll be able to manage brand consistency, maximize your internal processes, save time and money, and be able to easily tell customers what you offer and how you can help them right now. By using the right systems, you’ll improve all your offers in every way possible. Without a plan, it’ll be a lot harder to be consistent.