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What Bump Offers & One Time Offers Can Do For Your Income

Finetuning Your Marketing

As you work on improving your back end, one way to do that is to add more bump offers (order bumps) and one-time offers. Not only will these types of offers help you build a longer-lasting relationship with your customers, but it will also improve your income exponentially. Most marketers selling information products, content, and so forth tend to make more money on the back end than they do on the initial sale. 


Want Fries with That?


You know how if you go to the hamburger joint, you’ll be offered other things to go with whatever you order. The reason they do this is that studies show making an additional offer right at the time of the sale is more likely to be answered in the affirmative, which will increase your overall price for every checkout. This type of offer is only made at the point of sale and not after the purchase has been finished. 


Do You Fear of Missing Out?


Another sales tactic that works is using human nature to encourage more sales. Marketers call this ‘FOMO’ which means, ‘The fear of missing out.’  Using your back-end technology as well as the products and services you already offer, you can always add an OTO to every single product you sell at the point of check out or right after they check out. By doing so, you’ll increase your check out average sales, and of course, that means you’ll make even more money. 


Oder Bumps or Bump Offers


One way to accomplish using your back end to boost sales is to set up order bumps for every single front-facing product you sell on a sales page. You can use the technology you use for downloading products and delivering them to make it automatic. 


You can set it up so that when your customer clicks a product they want to buy, adding it to their cart, the system pops up and recommends adding products to the cart that somehow relate to the product they ordered. For example, if you sell baking supplies and your customer orders flour, you can recommend additions like vanilla extract or baking soda. 


One Time Offers (OTO) 

This type of offer you’re likely familiar with. The way it works is that your customer orders something from you from a sales page that you marketed to them. Perhaps it’s an information product PDF download, and you have three checklists, spreadsheets, or cheat sheets that would help the buyer implement the information product easier, to offer them. 


You can use the shopping cart technology to either give them the option right there via a popup, or you can email them the offer after they’ve completed their purchase based on the investment. Make it time-limited and really do stick to offering it only one time for that original purchase. 

As you brainstorm ideas, remember to look for easy to create products. For example, you can easily create checklists, cheat sheets, and spreadsheets from private label rights content to add as a bump offer or an OTO. Likewise, the products you use for these offers can also be products you’ve created yourself. You can even make a total affiliate offer this way if you have the right technology. Figure out how you can do it with what you have right now. Experiment with adding easy PDF downloadable products that add value to your existing products and services as bump offers and as OTOs. Monitor your success to find out if it works for you to improve your income. 






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