You know what’s truly exciting about having a business? You are in full control of what is in your bank account, and how your business looks and is perceived by the world. That is a lot of responsibility, but it’s also a tremendous amount of freedom. It also means that you do not have to do everything in one day. You can take things one day at a time, one moment at a time, and focus on that one thing you can do to improve your business today. Just one thing on any given day (or even just one day a week if that’s all you have) can make a huge difference.
Let’s look at a few ideas that can be done in either one day or in a few minutes to improve your business today. Don’t try to do all of this. Just pick one thing, or if your creative juices get flowing and you think of something else, do that. The point is, do something. Do it today.
Improve Titles
This is a little controversial. There are people who will say not to ever change any titles because you likely have links out there someplace that will now lead them to a 404 error if they’re clicking through. But you can fix that. You can set up a special 404 page for this type of situation. In fact, you should already have a special 404 page so that people go read other content when they go to the expired content or expired products.
So, if a blog post that’s otherwise good is not getting that much traffic, you may want to update the title so that it makes more sense to search engines and your audience. To create a good title, think about who the blog post is for, how it will solve a problem, and what the post is about as you create the title. Think about what keyword you want to rank for as well so that you can create a good slug title for that post.
Optimize for Mobile
Even though you use a laptop or PC, did you realize that most people don’t? Not when they’re reading content. Check to be sure your content is easy to read, and the calls to action are easy to answer, using mobile. This can enhance your traffic in amazing ways if it’s hard to read right now. Don’t trust that your theme is responsive just because they say it is. Always check.
Improve Images
There are lots of ways to improve images on your site. Get better ones. Take some images yourself to personalize old posts and pages on your site. Insert the “alt” tag information and update the descriptions on the images. Making your site more visually pleasing - ensuring again that each image adjusts to the platform being used to view it - will enhance your traffic and make your site more sticky.
Repurpose Content
One way to improve your business today is to repurpose some content you’ve already published in one format to a new one. Add a transcript to a video or add a video to a blog post. When you create the same content in many formats, it will address the differences your audience has in how they consume content. It will also help search engines locate your content and send it to the people who are searching for it. For example, if you have a data-centric post, you could create an infographic for it then share it on social media and Pinterest.
Add Automation
There are some great automation tools you can use that work automatically to share your cornerstone or evergreen content in unique ways. One such software is called This will randomly choose content to share according to your settings and make it look unique too. Try it out.
Add New Content
Study your keywords and write one blog post, one email, or make one video based on that keyword. Remember, it’s easier to rank for one keyword per page than to try to use many and rank for many per page. You really can create a new piece of content in about 20 minutes if you avoid perfectionism and focus on what your audience needs to know and what it is that you do.
Did you get a good idea for one thing that you can do today to improve your business? Maybe you want to do something more internal too. One thing that will make your life easier. Create a template for your content, or develop a style guide, or even a branding guide that shows all the colors, images, and fonts that you can use for anything you create. Any of these ideas will cause a vast improvement. If you do one thing a day, your business can’t help but get better every day.