One thing that’s important to do when you’re involved with marketing is to test the things you do to find out what is working best. But, it can be overwhelming to focus on everything at once. Therefore, cut down on overwhelm and make it easier on yourself. When doing split testing, it’s important to focus on one variable at a time.
What’s Most Important?
The thing to do is to discover what is most important right now in your efforts to market your offerings. Is it traffic, conversions, engagement, or something else? But be realistic. If you don’t have enough traffic to test the other factors, then you should focus on traffic. It’s hard to tell if you’re getting the right traffic if you don’t have much. But once you are getting enough traffic, you can test everything else easily using split testing.
Once you’ve decided what’s most important now, it’s time to set up your split testing. Let’s talk about what split testing is and what it does.
What is Split Testing?
Split testing is the process of testing one variable about something such as a landing page, product packaging, form, or other component in your entire funnel. Because of this, it’s imperative that you only test one variable at a time. Here are some examples of variables you can test on a landing page.
- Headline – To split test a headline, simply create two headlines that are slightly different for a landing page that is otherwise the same. Then send traffic to both in equal measures. You can use many methods for doing this - from automation to doing one at a time - to find out which works best.
- Product Packaging – Not sure about the packaging that you have designed for your product? Test it. Change one thing at a time to see which one does best. Change the color, the font, or the size. Send your buyers to different images to find out which one sells more.
- Video or No Video – You can test whether adding a video to your sales page makes a difference or not. Deliver the same number of people to the video sales page compared to the non-video sales page.
- Subject Lines – When you send emails, which email is more likely to be opened? The one with the forceful headline or the one with the helpful headline that just states what’s inside? This is easy to test with your email software by performing an A/B test.
To conduct split testing, it’s important to know what your point of doing it, in the first place, is. You must have goals. Here are some examples of split testing goals.
- Source of Traffic – Which source works best?
- Conversions – What type of words on my buy button work best?
- Email Opens – Which subject line works best to get opens?
- Calls to Action – Which CTAs work best to get results?
It’s essential that you understand that you should focus on one variable at a time based on your goals. Changing an image, changing a subject line, altering your buy button, and so forth are all things that should be focused on one thing at a time. There is no way to tell if your results are accurate unless you focus on everything carefully and one at a time.