You’ve worked incredibly hard to make sure your blog is in tip top shape so that it will appeal to sponsors. Your content is great, and you post regularly. You actively engage with your readers and your network on social media, as well as in your blog comments. There are even prominent buttons on your site to let PR representatives know that you’re brand friendly and open to sponsorships. The next step is to be prepared to evaluate any pitches you receive in order to determine whether the deal is a beneficial one for your blog. It’s important that you assess a brand’s reputation, product and offering to help guide your decision. The following information will provide you with a summary of what to do when blog sponsors approach you.
Do Your Research
If a company contacts you to discuss an advertising partnership, they probably have already taken time to peruse your blog to determine that it meets their sponsorship criteria. That doesn’t mean you will find their brand to be a good fit for your blog, though. Visit the business or specific product website to learn more about what you’re being asked to promote. If you come across anything that concerns you, make a note and follow up with the PR representative who contacted you. For example, you may be a fashion blogger who focuses on dressing for less. When you visit the brand’s website you see mostly high-end items with price tags exceeding anything you would recommend on your blog. Chances are this isn’t a good match. However, it doesn’t hurt to circle back and ask your contact person if the brand offers any more moderately priced apparel or if they represent another company that may better suit your blog’s theme.
Delve Deeper
Not only should you research the company website of any brand you may wish to promote, you also want to browse Google for other information that could adversely affect a successful advertising collaboration. Remember, you and your blog are associated with any brand you promote. That means your reputation will be tied to the reputation and actions of any company you professionally represent. Read any articles you find that talk about the company in a negative light. Consider the source of the information and how widespread it is in order to determine its validity. If a national news source has reported unethical practices by a company or its leadership, you may not wish to be tied to any dealings with that brand. Follow your instincts. No amount of money now is worth risking your professional reputation for years to come.
Ask Your Network
When doing your research online, you will probably come across other blogs that have worked with this brand. If you know any of the bloggers, reach out to them. Ask about the professionalism of the representative, whether payment was received on time and if all aspects of the deal seemed ethical. If you receive multiple negative reviews, you probably want to pass on this opportunity. Keep in mind that a singular incident could simply be due to a misunderstanding or even issues on the part of the blogger. Consider all the pieces of information you receive to make an informed decision.
Read the Contract
Some blog sponsorship contracts are straightforward, and you may not have any questions. Others contain things like nondisclosure agreements or a non-compete clause. Such aspects usually involve keeping some information about the deal to yourself or not advertising on behalf of a competitor of the brand for a certain period of time. Also pay close attention to the actions that are expected of you to be sure you can fulfill them in the given timeframe, as well as determining how comfortable you are with the rate being offered in exchange for the work involved. If you have any questions or concerns, always check with the rep for clarification. You have the right to negotiate if you are uncomfortable with some aspect of the contract. Nothing is final until you sign it.
These are the basic steps you should take when blog sponsors approach you. It can be exciting to be included in a promotional campaign and to earn money from your blog. Taking time to evaluate the sponsorship deal and the brand’s reputation are actions that are well worth the time invested. Your due diligence will save you headaches in the long run and improve your chances of having a successful promotional partnership.