When it comes to paying your taxes, it’s important for you to understand that whether you like it or not, you must do it. That includes paying federal, state, local taxes, possibly sales taxes, and other fees that you are legally obligated to pay. Not doing it doesn’t relieve you of this legal responsibility. In fact, you could end up owing a lot more by not covering your bases.
Because it is so in-depth and can be confusing, while getting in the way of what you do best, you need someone to help you navigate the issues. You can choose to hire a small business attorney who specializes in helping you, or you can find a group or organization that will help you too.
This organization offers many services to small business owners and people who want to start a small business. They can provide a checklist of what you need to do to legitimize your business in your local area. Remember, the requirements are different in each city, county, and state when it comes to taxes and fees. Sometimes they offer contests, classes, and more to help you get your business started right.
Your Local College or University
Another option is to check the services and events that you have at your local college or university. Many schools offer small business start-up courses and information at a low cost or even for free. You may need to look at the websites of the colleges and universities near you and search for this service if you don’t know someone to ask. If it’s a huge school, it might be hard to find, but if you make calls, you’ll find the information you need.
The Chamber of Commerce
While a chamber’s job is mostly about large business, some progressive chambers have many services for small business owners these days. Since almost half the economy works a side gig, small business help is becoming more popular in many chambers - especially in larger cities. Check their website and call them to find out more.
A Business Coach
If you aren’t sure about anything, there are business coaches that you can hire who can help lead you through the process. If you have trouble getting organized in this regard, hiring someone to help you and direct you on what to do can help tremendously.
The truth is being a tax-paying citizen is a good thing. Even the Bible says that you need to pay Caesar what is due Caesar. It's indeed confusing, sometimes painful, but taxes are what pays for our common defense, roads, police, the fire department, and all the other benefits of citizenship that you enjoy. Try to turn this around in your mind and be thankful instead. Plus, admit to confusion and get professional help. You’ll avoid problems, probably save money, and sleep well at night.