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Why You Need To Track The Sales From Your Lead Magnets

Lead Magnet Challenge

When it comes to testing and tracking it’s important that you test and track the right things. It’s also important to know why you’re testing and tracking it. One main reason to test and track anything is to know for sure that conversions are coming from that thing you did. 

For example, is a lead magnet really sending paying buyers to your email list? How can you know? Just because sales happen to increase during a specific time how do you know why those sales increased. Was it due to the lead magnet or is it due to something else? Knowing helps because you can toss out things that aren’t doing anything for you and keep the things that are converting. 

First, you need a reason to create the lead magnet. The main reason is that you ultimately want to promote a specific product or service. But, how do you trace whether the buyer bought due to the lead magnet or not if you don’t track?

Traffic but No Downloads 

Let’s say you’re getting a lot of traffic clicking on your lead magnet through an advertisement you placed on Facebook, but no one is converting. You can tell this by looking at how many clicks you’re getting and comparing it to downloads from those links using Google Analytics. 

With this information, you can try to determine whether it’s the lead magnet being poorly targeted or the fact that the download page or a sales page or opt-in form isn’t effective. If you’re getting traffic based on the advertisement and title of the lead magnet but the opt-in page isn’t converting change something there first to find out what will make it work.

Add Special Links in Your Lead Magnet

You can create traceable links using link shortening services and it’s not much extra work to use this method by putting a different link to the same product for each type of lead magnet that you create so that you can trace it to the exact lead magnet.

Turn on Link Tracking in Email

Your autoresponder probably has link tracing or tracking included in your service. If you want to know that people who downloaded a freebie and is on your email list followed a specific link to buy a product or service, it’s easy enough to tell using this feature. 

Testing & Tracking Price Points

You can easily duplicate your main product using your shopping cart software so that you can test different price points by setting up the product twice with two different price points. Create two lead magnets that are identical except for the link to buy. The link to buy in one will go to the higher price point and the link to the other will go to the lower price point. Market to similar audiences using Google Ads to find out which price point gets more sales.

The truth is, you won’t know if an offer is converting well unless you track your sales and why each sale happened. Setting up everything will make it a lot easier to test and track sales as you go so that you can also change things on the fly when you realize one thing works better than another. 






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