Can you believe that 30 days have passed? We’ve learned a lot about the power of one when it comes to customers and also to your business. If you really focus on one thing at a time, it’s going to have a much more positive effect on your business than if you try to multitask and split your focus.
Let’s take a quick walk down memory lane and browse through all the different topics we covered over the past 29 days.
Here’s a quick rundown:
- Welcome and Why You Have to Focus on One Person at a Time
- Don’t Talk to Your Target Audience
- Engage with Your Customers One-On-One
- The Power of One in Customer Care
- Don’t Preach to Your Readers & Subscribers
- Why You Want to Pay Attention to Emails from Your Audience
- Looking at Complaints as a Customer Service Opportunity
- Tips for Making Broadcast Emails Seem Personal
- Don’t be Afraid to Share Your Story
- Stop Worrying About Your Competition – You May be Just What Your Readers Need
- The Power of One When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed
- Grow Your Business One Connection at a Time
- The Powerful Concept of Sending One Email Each Day
- Finding One Money Making Task You Can Do Today
- Reaching Out to One Customer at a Time is Powerful
- One Affiliate Can Take Your Business to the Next Level
- The Benefit of Focusing on and Mastering One Traffic Strategy at a Time
- How Asking for One Referral Can Explode Your Business Growth
- Let’s Talk Funnels – What’s the One Product You Want All Your Customers to Buy
- Reputation Management – Focus on One Complaint at a Time
- Make Their Day – Shine the Spotlight on Your Best Customers – One at a Time
- One Great Testimonial Can Skyrocket Your Conversions
- What’s Working Best? Testing One Variable at a Time
- Grow Your Reach by Reaching out to One Blogger, One Affiliate, or One JV Partner at a Time
- Focusing on One Keyword at a Time Takes the Guesswork out of SEO
- The Power of One Message – Make Sure Your Marketing and Branding is Consistent
- What’s One Thing You Can Improve in Your Business Today?
- Build Your Funnel One Lead Magnet, One Opt-In Page, and One Email Series at a Time
- Keep Educating Yourself – One Course and One Coach at a Time
- Wrap Up and How to Keep the Momentum of Tapping into the Power of One Going Forward
The common theme is to narrow your focus. Narrow who you focus on when it comes to writing content to your audience of one. Narrow your focus when it comes to how you’re improving your business so that you can truly improve. For example, if you need more traffic, focus only on traffic building and pick one method at a time to perfect before moving on to a new one.
If you want to learn more things, take one course at a time and implement what you learn before moving on to something else. If you want to get a coach, find the right coach for the main thing you really need to work on right now that will make the most impact on your life and business. Devote yourself to the methods that your coach recommends. Again, truly implement what you’re learning so that you can know if it works or not.
So many people never get to implementation because their attention is divided and they’re trying to do so many things at once. But it’s perfectly fine to focus on just one thing. In fact, it’s preferable and more effective, especially when it comes to marketing, customer service, and building a profitable business.
What has had the biggest impact on you? What tips and ideas have you found the most helpful? Those are the posts that you want to come back to again and again.
Take a few minutes today to reflect on not only how far you’ve come, but more importantly how this simple 30-day challenge has influenced you and changed you for the better. What positive experiences have you had as a result of this Power of One 30-Day Challenge?