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Wrap Up And Where To Go From Here

Ebook Super Charged List Building

If you want to build a targeted email list the first thing you need to do is create a list and get started. Determine what software you want to use because that is important. For example, you can’t use some of the services like Mail Chimp of you want to engage in affiliate marketing. So, determine which software you want to use, and then get started with list building based on your niche and target audience.

  • Know Your Audience – You’ve heard it before but you must know your audience so well that you can create an example ideal client persona that you can look at to ensure accuracy in product and content creation that they’ll need and love. 
  • Understand Your Niche – If you don’t know your niche and industry you’re not going to be able to choose products or services to promote. Much less create any products or services. Study your industry and stay up to date on everything always. 
  • Choose Your Technology – The autoresponder, landing page, website, and another tech that you need to ensure list building goes smoothly is imperative. Make a list of the features you want before looking at all the options. Find out what people in your niche are using most and choose that if you’re not sure. 
  • Place Opt-in Forms & Opportunities Everywhere – Don’t just put your opt-in form in one place. Try more than one place and move them around to find out what works best. Try in context, under content, side bar, pop ups, unders, and slides. Try an overlay with a sales page for your freebie. Find out what works best for your audience and other promotions will be more profitable. 
  • Know Why – If you don’t know the main reason for having a list, then you need to revisit who your audience is, what your niche is, and what you offer the potential audience in terms of solutions for their main pain points. Every message needs to answer who, what, when, why and how to be effective. 
  • Create Content – Once you know the answers to all the questions about your niche and the audience you can start developing content to attract them to your website, your blog, and to sign up for your email list. The content you create needs to be targeted and compelling to help lead your audience through the entire buying cycle. 
  • Get Visitors – Part of creating content will create traffic too, but there are more ways to get traffic than simply creating content. Run ads. Join JV partnerships. Guest blog. Create a community on Facebook. Participate in communities on Facebook and elsewhere online. Get known as an expert and focus on building your list and getting traffic to your website. 

You need to know who you want on your list and what you want them to do once they are list members. To accomplish getting people on your list you need to truly understand your audience, what their pain points are, and how you can help them. Knowing where your audience hangs out is helpful too. Plus, you need to generate enough content that helps your website or blog get noticed. 

Let’s go back to thirty days ago and look at all the different topics we covered over the past 29 days. Here’s a look back: 

  1. Welcome And The Money Is In The List 
  2. The Three Pronged Approach To Profiting From Your List
  3. Why A List Is One Of Your Most Valuable Business Assets
  4. Your First Goal Should Always Be To Get Them On Your List 
  5. Different Types Of Lists Explained 
  6. Numbers Don’t Matters – Results Do 
  7. Are You Building A Highly Targeted List? 
  8. Defining Your List Building Goals 
  9. Let’s Draft A Funnel For Your Subscribers 
  10. The Importance Of Tracking List Building Stats 
  11. How To Tweak & Test Your Opt Ins 
  12. The Difference Between Opt In Forms and Opt In Pages – And Why You Need Both 
  13. The Importance Of Keeping an Eye On Open Rates And How To Improve Them 
  14. You Need Engaged Subscribers – Here’s How To Get There 
  15. The Importance Of Creating A Dialogue With Your Subscribers
  16. Mix It Up – Give Them Multiple Places To Subscribe 
  17. Leverage Your Subscribers To Grow Your Lists 
  18. Keep Creating Fresh Lead Magnets And Opt-In Offers 
  19. Grow Your List With Content Upgrades 
  20. Get Affiliates To Grow Your Email List 
  21. Zero Cost Ads To Grow Your Mailing List 
  22. Stop Being Afraid Of Making Offers 
  23. Fast Email Profits With Quality Affiliate Offers 
  24. Unlimited Email Ideas From Your Subscribers 
  25. Wow Them With Multi-Media Content In Your Lead Magnets
  26. Tap Into Other People’s Lists To Grow Your Own 
  27. Tag Your Subscribers To Deliver Targeted Content & Offers 
  28. Tweak Your Confirmation Page To Increase Double Opt-In Rates 
  29. Level Up Your Copywriting With A Swipe File 
  30. Wrap Up And Where To Go From Here 

What has impacted you most the last 30 days? What tips and ideas have you found the most helpful? Those are the posts that you want to come back to again and again. 

Take some time today to look back on not only how far you’ve come. It’s amazing how this simple 30-day challenge has changed you for the better. Please share the positive experiences you’ve had due to this challenge.






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